Book 2: Chapter 3: Team 9 vs. The Celestials!!! Part III

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Book 2: Land of Sand

Chapter 3: Team 9 vs. The Celestials!!! Part III


"Summoning Jutsu!" Three child-sized Doki appeared, taking the hits for each of us, and grabbed hold of the dragon heads, keeping them in place.

"Wait, she can still summon those with her Curse Mark sealed!" Ryūgan screamed.

"Cocky piece of shit." Tayuya looked down on Ryūgan with a cocky grin where watching his face contort from overconfident anger to arrogant disbelief down to paralyzing fear sent shivers down my spine. She was still one of the Sound Four, and it showed. "Don't ever think you're better than me."

"Ryūgan, you idiot!" Hōki screamed. "Rescind the blade!"

Ryūgan shook his head. "R-right."

"Suiko, Kujaku, assist the child."

"Got it." They both said, running at us from opposite angles while Hōki stood in place watching the battle unfold. He was clearly the brains of the team, almost like a game of Shogi. He moved his pieces, thinking steps ahead, but little did he know I was a master at that game. I nodded towards Sui, who shook her head with a sigh, but under that cool façade, I could've sworn I saw her blush.

"You know I remember when you used to protect me."

"If you ever let me, I would."

"Hey, someone's got to make sure that cute face of yours doesn't get hurt." Sui turned to Tayuya. "I'm counting on you Tayuya-neesan."

"Don't call me that in the middle of battle!" Tayuya yelled as she began to play a melody with sweat beading down her face.

"Garian Sword return!" Ryūgan pulled his blade back, yet the dragon heads didn't move. "What's the deal? The heads should've disappeared. Come on, move!"

Tayuya laughed, lowering her flute as a devilish smile grew on her face. Her curse mark wasn't on, yet I still felt the chills of her presence. "Hell welcomes all, even pathetic trash like you. But don't think you can ever escape its grasp! Finale, Ninth Movement: Revolt of the Demon World!"

I wasn't sure if everyone saw what I had seen, but out of the Doki's mouths came what looked like worms with teeth colored in a purple glow as if they were made of chakra. Each were the size of the child Doki and continued to grow longer the more it ate through the water dragon heads. Bit by bit and piece by piece, slowly but surely, the worms devoured all the way to the hilt of the blade.

"Let go of the blade!" Hōki yelled.

"I-I can't!" Ryūgan cried out, continuing to tug on his blade to no avail, almost like being constricted by pythons the worms wouldn't let the Gaian Sword free. "It took years to finish... My prized possession—"

"Naïve. Pathetic. Weak and arrogant. Gazing upon a God when you deserve nothing less than to be the chorus for my performance!" Tayuya clenched her fist, and the worms, having converged at the center of the Garian Sword, split out and two of them bit Ryugan's legs while the last one bit his neck forcing the boy to scream out in agony.

I placed my hand on Tayuya's shoulder, snapping her back to reality. "Whatever you do. Don't kill him."

"You're such a fucking softie."

"No, we need him alive for information—"

"Stop lying to yourself." Tayuya brushed my hand off her. "You just don't want to see someone die again."

"I just don't want to see you kill someone again."

Tayuya clicked her tongue. "If I had my Curse Mark, he'd have been dead by now, but without it, I can only take his chakra slowly. He'll live for about five minutes or so. End this before then if you want him to live."

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