Chapter 11: Moving Forward

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Chapter 11: Moving Forward

"Hah... Hah... Hah... And that's the last one." I wiped the sweat off my brow and held onto my knees as the training grounds no longer had any craters. Though they did have some slight hills... I'll even them out later.

"Wow Yuki. I'm impressed." Ino said, walking up to me with Sui.

"With the right motivation, Yuki can be pretty amazing."

"The right motivation?"

Before Sui could answer Ino's question, I heard Tayuya yelling at me as she stood on the recently filled grounds.

"Yuki! You fucking slacker! Who said you could have a break! The ground is uneven, and you still need to make those holes for Flower Girl."

I stared at Sui and Ino with a dead gaze. "Please... Save me..."

Ino stepped forward, and I felt relieved until Sui stopped her. Wh-why would she do that?

"You can't turn coal into diamond without a bit of pressure." Sui said, reciting some kind of proverb. There's no way Ino is going to fall for that—

"Hmmm, makes sense." Ino pursed her lips as she nodded. "Is that how you got Yuki to be less of a joke."

"Yup, if you give him harder things to do, he'll do them, but if it's too easy, he'll get cocky and mess it up." Sui sent a smirk my way as Ino listened to her.

There's no way...

"I should try that with Shikamaru. Thanks for the tip Sui."

She fell for that!

"Yuki!" Tayuya cracked her knuckles with a demonic smile that matched the yellow glint in her eyes.

"Not the face!" I shot up feeling energized again with the weight of their expectations on my shoulders. "Can I at least take off the scroll?"

"Nope. The old geezer wrote that it's a part of your training."

"Are you sure you didn't read that wrong—" I blocked the punch that went for my face. My feet slid back, but I held my ground.

"See, it's already working." Tayuya smiled at me.

"I guess so." Though you've hit me harder than that before. "Wait, what are you doing?"

Tayuya gripped onto my arm, and her feet dug into the ground as she tightened her hold on me. "I told you..."

"Ino, Sui help!" I screamed as I no longer felt the ground. They both held their hands in a prayer.

"I can read!" Tayuya threw me towards the hills I created, yet I flew past them. She threw me too high and too hard!

As I sped at the looming trees, I tried to think if earth turning palm would help soften the crash, but I was too late. My head smacked against the hard surface though I didn't break through it. I shook my head and realized something strange. Why is the tree warm? Am I bleeding!

"Yuki, you ok?"

"Oh god, I have a concussion and hearing trees talk."

"Is that a fat joke?"

The tree's grip tightened around me, and my eyes popped open. I was in Chōji's gigantic hand... he saved me but was crushing my ribs!

"Chōji, I would never joke about that." I said, barely able to get my words out. "I mean–come on–you know me, I have more class than that."

Chōji stared at me with steam fuming from his nose, his chubby face red. I'm so fucked if he doesn't calm down.

One of the rules of school, you never made fun of Chōji's weight unless you wanted to become a pancake. Though by some miracle, he started to laugh and loosen his grip.

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