Chapter 8: Memories Part I

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Chapter 8: Memories Part I

"Get up." A voice called out to me from the darkness.

I rolled to the side, trying to get more sleep time. I was exhausted, and my body was still sore from yesterday. I needed my sleep. Even after having the rest of the day off, Tayuya gave me a second helping of 'Don't use your Genjutsu on me!' Even though I told her she would've broken her skull against my headband. She just didn't care until Sui asked her to stop. Which got her to listen. Once again, Sui could convince her when I couldn't. I chalked it up to the girls being against me in some secret Anti-Yuki Alliance.

"I know you can hear me. Get up." I felt a hand reach out to me, and I rolled out of its grasp. The man who I assumed was Tenzō sighed. "Why do I have to get the one with issues."

"Speak for yourself! That red-haired demon bit me!" That sounded like Kou. Guess he's still on alarm clock duty.

"I have no idea what problem you guys are having. Mine woke up, and I didn't even have to touch her." That had to be the feminine red masked cat ANBU. I still didn't know her name yet. She never let it slip, unlike the other two.

"I wonder why? She is a Hyūga after all." Kou said.

"Yuki, I know you're listening in on us." I felt Tenzō's presence get closer to me. "Just get up already. You have work to do."

A mission, but I already did one... I want a break. My face can't take any more abuse. No, I'm not getting up! I went deeper into my cocoon.

"I tried. Kou."

"With pleasure."

"Wait." A new voice came, and it was Sui's. It sounded like she was still brushing her teeth. "Behaving like a child in front of the Hokage's ANBU team. Especially after saying you were going to do better yesterday."

I heard a knuckle crack and felt Sui's eyes on me. I know that feeling anywhere. Sh-she's using her Byakugan!

"Please! Not the face." I shot up, and she relaxed her eyes.

With a toothbrush in her mouth, Sui walked up and tapped on my head. "If you're going to sleep in my room. Can you at least get up properly? We already had to fix it yesterday because of you—"

"I already apologized for that."

Sui tapped my head again. "—And today because of Tayuya."

"Mmm, where is Tayuya?" I said, rubbing the cold out of my eyes. I saw the three ANBU standing around Sui's room, but Tayuya wasn't anywhere to be seen. Then I noticed Sui was staring up. I swallowed, afraid of what I was going to find. Tayuya was strapped to the ceiling by overgrown tree roots, and her mouth was muzzled again.

"I-Is that why I felt rumbling earlier?"

"So you were awake." Tenzō placed his hand on my shoulder, and I watched his cat mask twinkle. "If you do that again, you'll be next. Got it."

"Or better, how about you three not need human alarm clocks." Kou said, walking towards the window.

"He has a point. A ninja should be able to wake up early even with little sleep." The red cat masked ANBU also went towards the window.

"You're an expert at that, aren't you lover girl—ouch! I take it back. I take it back." Kou was caught in the female ANBU's restraining grip. I felt her blood lust from here, and I just noticed they weren't wearing their cloaks today.

The red cat masked ANBU was indeed a woman with purple hair and a slim build. Where Kou had plain short black hair, and Tenzō had short brown hair. I guess guys really are hopeless when it comes to style. I stared back at the two bickering ANBU and noticed the female had a katana on her back. Then an idea popped in my head as I moved from my spot.

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