💥 18 🍋

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-time for the party-

When we were all ready we all got teleported near the place using Kurogiri's quirk. After that we walked inside and the place was big asf. The person that hosted the part welcomed us and he looked mad rich like he was wearing only the finest jewelry, he had rings, necklaces, bracelets. Even his clothes had diamonds and pretty jewels and pearls. "Cha Ching" was what I thought and I knew the others did too. "Welcome and enjoy" he said as he smiled and locked eyes at me. He then waved a little goodbye and walked to other people greeting them. "Guys so I don't have a good good plan but for now let's enjoy the party then we'll make our move" toga whispered to us. "I think I have a plan, I don't know if you all will like it but here it is..." I was saying as I got interrupted by someone serving champagne. "Would you like some ladies and gentlemen?" They said as they gave us some but while she he gave us some I looked behind him with my eyes and saw the rich dude watching to see if we took it while having a slight smirk that you could see.  "That's sus" i thought, "thank you" we said and the server left and so did the host. "Wait don't drink it" I told them, "what why??" Toga asked, "when the server was giving it to us the host was behind him a far but you could clearly tell it was him. He was watching as we took it with a smirk" I told them as I faked drinking it and put it down. "That's weird" Toru said, "yeah" Dabi agreed. Toru then looked at him and back to everyone else, "well as I was saying, I can distract him like seduce him or whatever while you guys find stuff and take them" I whispered to them just loud enough for only them to hear. "That's so smart!!" toga said exited, Dabi just looked at me and I could tel he didn't like it. "Yeah!" Toru said, "I agree" Twice added. "What do you think?" Toga asked Dabi. "Wouldn't it be better if two girls tried it?" He mentioned as he looked at Toru. "W-what?" She asked, "yeah you and y/n could do it no?" He replied, "I don't know" she said nervous. "Hmm that's a good idea" I said, he looked at me and he looked somewhat mad but relieved that it was Toru and me and not just by myself. "And if something happens you two can help each other out" he said and we all agreed that, thag was going to be the plan. But before we would pull it off we enjoyed the party.

While we were talking with other people that were there I got hungry. "Excuse me" I said as I went to the food and they continued to talk. I looked at everything they had and I found my favorite food [your favorite food]. I grabbed a plate and got some and then I was gonna eat it but someone put grabbed jt and put it down. "So you like it too huh" the Host said, "yeah why?" I asked as I tried to reach for it. "Don't get impatient there's more" he said as he grabbed my hand and pulled me into his arms while holding my waist, almost like a dancing position. I looked at him and he just smirked. "We'll it looks like you're the one getting impatient" I told him as We made eye contact. He turned a bit red and let go of me. "What? Was I right?" I told him as I walked towards the plate of food he had taken from me and when I got it I ate some while waving bye at him. Hagakure then came towards me and asked "did it work?" And I told her "well we'll see and now it's your turn now go" and she walked to him and she played her part.

"I see you let my friend" she told him as she grabbed some food. "Yes i did but may I know who you are?" He replied to her, "you'll find out soon" she said as she got closer to him. "You like playing like that then huh, I guesss that will it make it more fun" he told her as he winked at her. He grabbed her by the waist and pulled her closer to him and he said "you're beautiful." "W-what?" She replied, "I said you're beautiful" he responded and she asked, "y-you can see me?!" And he replied with "well of course I can it's part of my quirk" and she turned a bit red. "Am I making you blush? You should meet me in my room" he told her as he pulled her even closer. "I'll see you there but only if you tell me where your room is" she replied and he laughed a bit and said "we'll of course my dear, if I don't tell you how will we have some fun? My room is upstairs on the third floor, it's the first one you see when you up." "Well then it's a plan" she said as she kissed him on the cheek. "Oh but bring your friend as well" he told her as he kissed her on the cheek too. "We'll see you there" she said as she went back to y/n and waved bye at him.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2022 ⏰

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