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It was just a normal spring afternoon in Chicago until Maisie Halstead ended up in the back of Ambulance 61, with her Auntie Gabby and Auntie Brett and was now on her way to Chicago Med, and she is dreading bumping into her Uncle Will, who is most definitely going to end up calling his brother to let him know that his daughter is in the ER.

With the ambulance pulling up in front of the ER, Brett gets out the drivers, then walks around the back to open the doors to help Gabby get the stretcher out, so that I could be wheeled into the ER and the first thing heard was Maggie shouting.

"Dr Halstead, incoming for you" was what Maggie said, causing my face to drop, know my Uncle is going to tell my dad or is going to make me call my dad to let him know the situation. I'm a daddy's girl, always have and always will meaning he is overprotective of me because I'm his little girl. My mom is a little bit more lenient but has her strict parental moments.

Out the corner of my eye, I could see my doctor uncle walking over, so I grab my sunglasses out of my back and put them on, but I knew that wasn't going to work because Gabby was about to do the handover. "What have we got?" Will asked.

"Maisie Halstead, 17years old, was walking out of Chicago Central High School and was pushed on the stairs of the exit and started to complain of pain in her left ankle, she also bumped her head on the fall and is complaining of a slight headache. BP 120/66, GCS 15" Gabby stated and then helped me off of the stretcher onto the hospital bed, before she left.

"Maise, what are you like. Does your mom and dad know you are here?" my Uncle asks me. "No, they don't. I was literally leaving school to head to the district, to go and see them like I do every day and then Miss little I'm perfect in everything Yasmin and her group of friends think it's funny to push me down the stairs in front of a majority of the school" I replied with tears on the brim of my eyes.

Will notices his niece is about to cry and pulls her into a comforting hug and tells her everything is going to be alright and that he is always going to be there for her when she needs him. "Call your dad and let him know that your in the ER, whilst I got and sort out an X-Ray for your ankle and a CT for your head," he said before walking away towards the nurses' station. I grab my phone out of my bag and dial my dad's number. It rings for a little while but then it goes to voicemail. I try my mom and it goes straight to voicemail. So, I decided to call my Grandpa Hank, because I know that he will always pick his phone up. Within two rings of the dialling tone, I hear a gruff voice at the other end of the line.

Hank: Voight

Maisie: Hi Grandpa

Hank: Maisie are you alright?

Maisie: No! I can't get hold of my mom and dad

Hank: Your mom and dad are out on a job at the moment. Why what's wrong Maisie?

Maisie: I'm in the ER at Med at the moment. I was pushed down the stairs outside the school, hit my head and somethings happened to my ankle. Uncle Will told me to call dad to let him know because I'm normally at the district by now but I'm not and I don't want my mom and dad to worry.

Hank: Once your mom and dad are back, I'll send them straight down to Med

Maisie: Thanks Grandpa, see you later

Hank: Bye sweetheart

Jay's pov

Just coming back from a job with my wife Hailey, we get back to the district and head up to the bullpen and I look into the breakroom to see if I can see Maisie which I don't because she is normally here right now, as she comes straight from school. Just then Voight comes out of his office and over to me and Hailey.

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