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One Month Later

It has been a month since Liam was released from the hospital and is not back to full health, with the help of me nursing him back to good health. Some of the stubborn Halstead charm was wearing off on him because he was completely stubborn when it came to certain things. With only 6 weeks to go before Liam is off to the Police Academy and with me off to the Fire Academy.

Liam was currently out getting Chinese takeout for dinner, whilst I was snuggled up on the sofa, binge watching Keeping Up With The Kardashians. My mom and dad told me that they were going to be working late tonight, as a big case came in mid-afternoon and Intelligence needed all hands on deck to solve it. 

With my eyes fixed on the TV screen, I heard the front door open and quickly glance to the side of me, to see my boyfriend walking back in. I jump off of the sofa and head into the kitchen to see my extremely handsome boyfriend dishing up my chicken chow mein, chips and prawn toast. I sneak up behind my boyfriend and wrap my arms around his waist and bury my face into his back. 

"You alright princess?" Liam asked 

"Yeah, I'm alright, just tired and want to go to sleep. The last few days I've been revising non-stop for the written firefighter's exam which apparently is really tough and I want to be well prepared for it" I answered and Liam stopped what he was doing to then pick me up and sit me on the counter top and stood between my legs. 

"Baby, you have to take care of yourself. I know how important the exam is and I know you want to be well prepared for it but you need to be able to take time out, for you" my boyfriend told me and I responded with a nod and snuggled closer to him, slowly falling asleep against his chest.

Jay's Pov

With Hailey busy working with the FBI in New York, I decided to head home after finishing the last of the paperwork from the case we have just finished working on. But all I want to do now is go home and see my little girl.

With the paperwork complete, I grab my jacket and keys and leave the bullpen to head down to the parking garage where my truck is parked. The drive home is only 20 minutes which isn't too bad but it can depend on how busy the Chicago traffic is. Luckily I missed the heavy traffics, so I can get home quicker than normal. 

Pulling up on the drive, I can see Maisie's car as well as Liam's, so I know they are at home, most likely watching re-runs of TV shows or some cheesy movie. Getting out of the truck, I close the door and walk to the mailbox to see if there was any mail but there wasn't any in there, so I head to the front door, put the key in the lock and when I open the door, I see Liam watching the TV and then my eyes see Maisie fast asleep against Liam's chest. It makes me so happy to see that my little girl has found someone who loves her or who she is and I'm just glad it's Liam because he treats her like an absolute princess and he's just the best and that's all I want. The best for my little girl, who has grown up into a wonderful young woman and is going to make one badass firefighter. 

Placing my keys in the bowl, the sound catches Liam's attention and he looks at me 

"Hey, you alright Jay?" Liam asks 

"Yeah, I'm good buddy. How long has Mai been asleep like that for?" I asked pointing at my daughter. 

"She's been asleep like this for about an hour. She's been stressing about the firefighter's written exam and has been working herself up about it. I told her not to worry and that she is going to be absolutely fine" Liam tells me. 

I let out a sigh before I speak 

"Maisie has always worried when it comes to exams. Has done it since middle school but she is so smart, everyone knows that she is going to pass all the exams at the academy" I tell my daughter's boyfriend, and he responds with a nod. 

"Take her up to bed," I tell Liam 

"Will do Jay. There's leftover Chinese in the chicken if you want some" Liam says 

With that being said I grab a plate and dish up some of the Chinese that has been left out and heat it up. Once it has been warmed up, I grab and fork and head over to the couch and catch the end of the Blackhawks game before heading to bed for the night. 

Sorry updates have been slow on this story, as I have been planning and working on my main new story. But there are only two chapters left of this book. 

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