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It had been a few hours since I've had treatment for my burns, which was agony for me and by the time the treatment was finished, I had cried and screamed so much, it made me extremely tired and I ended up falling asleep in my dad's arms, with my mum standing by my hospital bed, wrapping her arms around the two people she cared about the most. My dad was still sitting behind me, stroking my hair like he did when I was younger but when I hear someone enter the room, I open my eyes slightly to see Liam standing at the end of the bed, causing me to sit up and lean forward. As I leaned forward, my dad got off of the bed before turning to me. "I'm just going outside, to speak to your mom" dad said to me. I nodded in response and he left my room then Liam pulled up the chair next to my bed and held my hand, which made me cry.

"Hey, hey, don't cry" Liam said as he squeezed my hand. I looked over at my best friend, with my blood shot eyes. "I'm so sorry" I said in a raspy voice. "Listen to me Mai, you have nothing to be sorry for. You saved me, made sure I was alright before you took care of yourself and I truly admire you for that" he replied. 

There was some movement outside my room but I just assumed that it was the unit, 51 and the doctors walking about and then I turned to my best friend who was still holding my hand with one hand and stroking my head with the other, to keep me calm. 

"Mai" Liam said and I looked at him. "Yeah Li" I replied. "God I didn't imagine asking you this here but I'm going to ask you anyway. Maise Genivive Halstead, I have loved you since the 9th Grade and you just mean the absolute world to me. Your kind, funny, caring and so thoughtful. Your also absolutely beautiful not matter what people say. So what I am asking is, will you be my girlfriend?" Liam said in a soft voice. "Yeah of course I'll be your girlfriend" I replied and Liam stood up, still not letting go of my hand and gave me a soft but gentle kiss on the lips, which brought a huge smile on my face. I now have a boyfriend, who is my best friend and I couldn't be happier. 

Hailey's Pov

Just standing outside my daughters hospital room, witnessing the most beautiful moment, I have seen in a long time. I had tears in my eyes and I was just so happy to see that my little girl was happy and has hopefully found the one that will love her for the rest of her life. Just looking into the hospital room, I feel an arm wrap around my shoulder, to then I look over to see my husband by my side, and tears are on the rims of my eyes. 

"Hey, what wrong Hails?" Jay asked me. "I've just witnessed the most beautiful thing I've seen in a long time" I replied. "Whats that" my husband asks me. "Liam asking our little Maisie to be his girlfriend" I said. "I knew from the moment I met him, he would be the one that will look after our girl, when we can't. He's always been family and I'm just glad that our little Mai, is happy with someone who will treat her like a queen" Jay said as he brought me into a tight hug. 

Both me and Jay are looking at our little girl from the hallway outside her room and then she looks directly at us, waving at us, to come in. 

"Hiya Mom, Hiya dad" Maisie said. "Hi sweetie, how are you feeling?" I asked. "I'm alright, just really tired and this bed is extremely uncomfortable and is giving me back and I just want to be in my own bed which I know is comfy" she said with a smile. 

Maisie's Pov 

"Princess, I know that you are tired but I need to ask you a couple of questions, which might help us with the case" my dad said. "Thats fine" I replied, still not letting go of my boyfriends hand. "Do you know who did this?" my detective dad asked. "It was Yasmin Harrington, Holly Jameson, Kelsie Connors and Xanthe Ryan" I responded. "The only other question is, was it done deliberalty because of the drugs case they were involved in 6 weeks ago?" he asked. "Yes it is due to that. They left the room before the explosion and acted like nothing was going to happen" I replied, as I leaned my head back on the one pillow that I had on my hospital bed. 

Mum and dad left the room to go and inform the unit of what I've told them and I'm praying that these girls are caught and I just hope that they don't see the light of day again. 

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