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Four Months Later 

Today is the day I graduate from the Fire Academy. I have literally worked my butt off for the last 12 weeks to get to where I am today. Yesterday, Liam graduated from the Police Academy and found out that he is going to be stationed out of 21st District and I couldn't be happier. I was hoping that everyone from 51 would be here at my graduation but unfortunately, they couldn't, as they needed to be there for the city of Chicago and save lives. 

Looking to the side stands, I could see my entire family, my Mom smiling, my Dad practically in tears, with the biggest smile on his face, Grandpa Hank had the proudest smile on his face, and so did Trudy and the rest of the Intelligence unit and that definitely put a smile on my face and took away any last-minute nerves.

With my academy class all standing in front of the District Chief in our dress blues, I take a deep breath and names start getting called out and then they got to my name.

"Now this academy student has shown initiative from the very first moment she stepped into the academy. She has worked hard throughout the training course and studied for every exam when she could. And most importantly, she never gave up. Now, this student is top of the class with full marks. Congratulations to Firefighter Maisie Halstead." the District Chief stated 

I walked up onto the stage and the chief shouted 'Ten-Hut' and I saluted and then shook his hand and he handed me an envelope that had the information about where I was going to be stationed out off and I'm praying that I'm stationed out of 51 because then I can be with my firehouse family.

After the ceremony, my dad was literally jumping over the bleachers and came running to me and picked me up and spun me around like he did when I was little and it made me laugh.

"I'm so proud of you my little firefighter," Dad said to me as he put me back down on the ground 

"I can't thank you enough for the support you have given me," I told my dad 

"You will always have my support sweetheart. That's never going to stop" Dad told me causing me to smile and nod my head.

As I'm still hugging my dad, from the corner of my eye, I can see my entire family joining the hug which put a smile on my face and brought tears to my eyes.

"Oh she's crying" Liam yells 

Everyone was in aw's and that did make me laugh

"You going to open the letter to see where you're going to be stationed out of?" Mom asks me 

"I was hoping we could go to 51 and open it with them," I said to everyone 

"Of course, we can," Dad said 

We all headed to our cars. I was in a car with Liam and as we drove to the firehouse, he held my hand the entire way with our fingers interlocking and giving my hand a gentle squeeze. From CFD headquarters to Firehouse 51 was a 20-minute drive and as we pull up onto the apron of the firehouse, Truck, Squad, Engine and Ambo were pulling onto the apparatus floor. 

"Here's the graduate" Kelly shouts as he got out of Squads truck 

Then the entire 51 team heard Kelly shout and then they all saw me standing on the apron in my dress blues including my hat. I take my hat off as my head was getting hot and I hand it to Liam. 

"What's in the envelope?" Hermann asks me

"It's the letter that tells me where I'm going to be stationed out of and I wanted to open it with everyone at the firehouse because you have all been a part of my life since the day I was born and it would mean the world to me, to see your reaction," I said with pride 

"That's very thoughtful of you Mai," Matt said 

Standing there with the letter in my hands and they started shaking and then I feel a calming pair of hands on my shoulders and I look up and see my dad who then places a kiss on the top of my head which calms me down. 

"Come on Mai, we all want to find out where you'll be working?" Cruz shouts 

"Here we go!" I state as I slowly open the envelope and pull the letter out

Dear Firefighter Maisie Halstead, 

Congratulations on completing the Firefighting course with the Chicago Fire Department and achieving 100% in all of your practical and written examinations. 

This letter, is going to state where you'll be stationed at. After discussions with 5 firehouses in Chicago but one firehouse stated that you'll fit in best with them due to your quick thinking skills, logic and being calm under press. 

The firehouse that you'll be station out of is.........

Firehouse 51

Congratulations again and good luck with your Firefighting career

Best Wishes 

Chief Grissom

Chicago Fire Department Chief

"I'M GOING TO BE STATIONED OUT OF 51" I scream at the top of my lung

The entire firehouse erupted into enormous cheer and they all came bounding over pulling me into a massive group hug, making me smile and cry enormous happy tears and all of a sudden Uncle Matt and Uncle Kelly pick me up and sat me on their shoulders causing everyone to laugh including me and then I see my dad and Liam having a chat which I thought was extremely sweet. Matt and Kelly put me back on the ground and then Liam pulled me to the front of the Firehouse and I gave him a confused look

"Babe, what are you doing?"I question 

"Mai, just let me speak," Liam said and I just nodded 

"Mai, you are the most amazing, beautiful, talented girl I know and you mean the world to me and I just don't want to let you go ever. Since falling for you in the 9th Grade, I've been imagining our lives together and where we would end up in the future and I want to have a future with you. I want to see that smile every day until we're grey and old, So, Maisie Genivive Halstead, will you do the honour of becoming Mrs Glade by marrying me" Liam asks me with tears in his eyes. 

"Yes, Yes of course I'll marry you Liam," I said with tears in my eyes for the millionth time today 

Liam slips with a small dainty ring onto my finger and an eruption of cheers echoed through the firehouse and I was happy. I literally had my future and life right in front of me. 

One more chapter left of this book

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