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3 days later 

It's been three days since the explosion at the mall and I've not left Liam's bedside because if I did, I would feel like the world's worst girlfriend. Sitting in the chair beside his bed for the last 72 hours and hardly moving, shows how in love with him I am and that I know deep down that he would do the same to me if I was in his position. With my thumb running over the top of his hand and the silent tears falling down my already stained cheeks with my mind going a trillion miles an hour and my mind praying that Liam wakes up soon because I miss him, I miss his voice, his laugh and most importantly his amazing smile. 

Being worried sick about my boyfriend, I've not slept because if I sleep, I'm worried that something serious might happen or that I miss him waking up. With Liam being in a coma, it breaking my heart, breaking my heart to see him like this because if I could, I would switch places with him in an instance. 

Leaning one of my elbows on the armrest of the chair that I'm sitting in, looking up at the monitors in the room, there was a knock at the door, which made me sit up in the chair and when the door opened, I saw my dad walking in. 

"Hi Maise, you alight?" dad asked me in a soft tone. I just shake my head in response, causing more tears to pill out of my eye and fall down my cheeks. 

"I miss him, dad. I miss him so so much" I spoke with my voice cracking. My dad just wrapped his arms around me, rubbing his hand up and down my back to calm me down. 

"I know you miss him Mai, but he will wake up." dad told me and I just nodded into his chest. Whilst giving dad a hug and not letting go of Liam's hand, I felt something squeeze my hand, so I pull away from dads hug and look at my hand and see Liam's finger grip my hand to squeeze it. 

"Dad, get a doctor, Liam just squeezed my hand" I yelled, making my dad run out of the room to find a doctor.

"It's okay baby, I'm here, I'm not going anywhere anytime soon," I said to my boyfriend just as Doctor Rhodes runs into the room. 

With Rhodes putting on a pair of gloves, he then starts to remove the breathing tube from, Liam's throat, which makes Liam cough a little bit and then he was placed on some nasal oxygen to help maintain his breathing. 

"Hi baby," Liam said in a hoarse voice 

"Hi" I replied softly 

"How long have you been here Mai?" My boyfriend asked 

"She's not left your side from the moment you were brought in mate," my dad told Liam 

"Baby have you had any sleep at all" Liam asked me and I just shook my head telling him no.

"I haven't slept in case anything happened. I didn't want to miss anything" I replied 

With that being said, Liam carefully moves over in the bed and pats the space next to him, signalling to me that he wants me to lie with him, so I get up out of the chair, take my shoes off and carefully climb into the bed and snuggle up close to him, leaning my head on his chest and having his arm around me, gives me that sense of security and happiness. With the effects of the last three days hitting me fall force in the face, I could feel my eyes getting heavy and drifting off to sleep, but I now know that Liam is going to be alright and that I can finally get some well deserved rest. 

Jay's Pov

Finally seeing my little girl getting some sleep after being awake for 3 days straight made me happy and it made me happy that she now knew her boyfriend was awake and that she didn't have to worry anymore. I quietly walk out of the room and into the hallway to give Hailey a call. 

Hailey: Hey babe you alright?

Jay: Hey, I'm alright. Liam's awake and our little girl has just fallen asleep for the first time in 3 days 

Hailey: That's great news to hear that Liam is going to be alright. Also, it's good to hear that Maisie has finally fallen asleep because all this has taken a toll on her. 

Jay: I just hated seeing our little girl, so worried. I walked into Liam's room, I could visibly see the tears falling down her cheeks. It broke my heart Hails, seeing her this upset.

Hailey: I know it did Jay, but our little girl is strong and she can get through anything because she is a Halstead after all. Plus she is going to make one hell of a firefighter

Jay: She is going to be the best firefighter the city of Chicago has ever seen. I love you so much Hailey

Hailey: I love you too Jay and I'll see you at home later 

Jay: See you at home later, bye 

Hailey: Bye 

I hang the phone up and look through the window of Liam's room and see Liam stroking Maisie's hair and placing a kiss on the top of her head and it put a smile on my face because it just made me so happy that my little girl has found someone who cares for her and lovers her for who she is and I'm just glad she has found that in her best friend Liam. 

Maisie's Pov

I've been asleep next to Liam for the past few hours and it was the best sleep I've probably had in days. Felling Liam stroking my hair put a definite smile on my face because I love it when he does that. 

"Hello sleeping beauty," Liam said before he place a gentle kiss on my lips 

"Hi" I replied quietly. 

"Baby got in the top drawer and get the little gift bag out because I got something for you," Liam told me 

I carefully got off of the bed and walked a couple of steps over to the drawer and opened it to get the little silver gift back out and walked back to the bed and got back in. Looking at my boyfriend who just nodded at me to open the bag, I carefully undid the bow and pulled out two boxes. One rectangle and the other one square. I opened the rectangle box first and my eyes went wide when I saw this gorgeous silver butterfly charm bracelet and it made my eyes well up and then I placed the bracelet back in the box and opened the square box and as soon as I opened the box, I saw a sparkling silver butterfly necklace with making stud. I moved everything out the way to give my boyfriend the tightest hug that is known to man. 

"Thank you so much. I love the gifts so much" I said whilst trying not to cry. 

"I was going to give them to you on our date but obviously the accident happened at the mall but I'm just so glad you love them," Liam said to me just as I snuggled close to him again and looked up at him and leaning up to him to give him a kiss before we both fell back to sleep, with peace being restored once again. 

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