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Three months later

It's been three months since the explosion and finally, the four girls had been arrested and charged with drug offences and also terror offences for the explosion at the school. I watched each girl get interrogated by my mom and dad. Grandpa Hank let Liam tag along to be my moral support. Someone to hold my hand if it got too much. Throughout each interrogation, Liam held my hand and Grandpa Hank placed his hand on my shoulder because he knew, if someone said something that I didn't like, I would probably go off on one and possibly throw a couple of punches because my stubborn nature let me. Well... All Halsteads have a stubborn streak in them. I'm definitely the mini Jay Halstead. I also turned 18 during those three months of recovery and so did Liam Liam is only a week older than me and I guess that is why we get on so well

In a couple of months' time, I will finish high school and hopefully be off to the Fire Academy to start my training for my dream job and Liam will hopefully get into the Police Academy to train for his dream job. No matter where life takes us, me and Liam are always going to stick together. That's what best friends are for. Yes, he is my boyfriend but will always be my best friend. 

After a long day at school, instead of heading to the district, I decided to go to the Firehouse instead, because I received a letter from CFD today and I wanted to open it in front of the Firehouse because I really hope that I will join 51, if I have gotten into the Academy. I called dad earlier about the letter and he was alright with me going to the firehouse to open it and that I promised to call him the minute I find if I got in or not.

During the day Liam text me saying that he got a letter from CPD in the mail and that he told me that he spoke to my dad to see if it was alright for him to go to the district and open his letter and of course it was alright, Liam and my dad are like best buds, especially when it comes to the Blackhawk games. Now that does my head in. My own dead stealing his daughter's boyfriend for some sports game. Well... because that happens, mom just takes dad's credit card and me and her go out for girl's day. We go out for lunch or get our hair and nails done or even go to the spa. Let's just pray dad hasn't seen his credit card statement because me and mom have probably totted up quite a bill, which will most likely give my da a heart attack. 

Walking up the drive of the firehouse, I'm instantly greeted by Cruz who I call Cruzzie, who then walks me into the common room. 

"Look who's here, It's mini Halstead" Cruz yelled.

"Hi Maisie, you good" Uncle Matt asked 

"Nervous because I got a letter from CFD today and I think it to see if I've gotten into the academy but I'm too nervous to open it" I said 

I stood there for about 10 minutes, fiddling with the envelope before everyone spoke 

"Just open it," everyone said and So I opened it and pulled the letter out of the envelope and it read as follow

Dear Miss M Halstead, 

Thank you for your application to become a Firefighter with Chicago Fire Department, and we are pleased to say that you have been accepted into the academy for the intake in September this year. 

You will need to be at the CFD headquarters on Monday 5th September to begin training. Please bring a notebook and pen with you on the day and please dress in smart casual. You can bring a laptop or tablet with you if you wanted. 

We look forward to seeing you at the academy on the 5th of September and we look forward to helping you become one of the best Firefighters in Chicago.

Yours Sincerely, 

Chief Grissom 

My eyes went wide and then I started to jump up and down with excitement and happy tears running down my face.

"I'VE BEEN ACCEPTED INTO THE ACADEMY" I yelled at the top of my lungs

An enormous uproar from the entire firehouse made my smile even bigger, with Uncle Kelly and placing me on his shoulder. Boden was proud of me and told me that I would make one hell of a good firefighter and that he hopes that when I gt my placement, that it is at 51, where I truly belong. 

"I said I would call my dad but I'm actually going to head to the district and tell the entire unit but I'm going to prank them at the same time" I told the firehouse with a smirk. 

"I'll take you down to the district in 81" Uncle Matt said "Truck 81 let's go for a ride," Matt said before the entire truck team was onboard and I was sat next to Gallo and Hermann for the 10 minute journey. 

81 pulls up outside the district and Matt gets out and opens the door to help me out and I look at every one. 

"Thank you, I'll see you soon," I said and waved at them, giving Uncle Matt a hug before he got back into the truck and headed back to the firehouse. 

I walked up the steps of the district, pretending to have a sad look on my face and I walked up to the front desk to see Trudy. 

"Aunt Trudy, is my mom and dad upstairs," I asked with a fake sad voice. 

"There upstairs sweetie, I'll buzz you up," she said and the gate buzzed open. 

I started to walk up the stairs and I could hear an almighty cheer coming from the bullpen ad once I got to the top of the stair, my dad looked at me and saw how sad I looked and ran over to me and engulfed me into the tightest hug known to mankind. 

"I didn't get in daddy" I fake cried into his chest. 

"Oh sweetheart, there will always be another opportunity to apply again" he whispered to me. 

Liam instantly knew I was lying, so I started laughing in my dad's chest and he pulled away from me and gave a weird look. 

"I was only joking dad.... I've been accepted on the next intake at the fire academy in September," I said with a big smile on my face. Within a second my dad gave me another big hug and told me that he is so proud of me and then turned to Liam to say that he was proud of him. 

That evening there was a small gathering at the Halsteads house to celebrate mine and Liam's achievements and from that moment on me and Liam knew that we were going to make Chicago great again. 

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