Six weeks later 

This has been the longest six weeks of my entire life! Especially, with me having to wear a boot around my ankle 24/7 but luckily the boot is off now and I'm back to my normal self but Yasmin and her girly girlfriends are still pushing me about, whenever they get the chance. The only thing I'm glad about is that they don't know that my parents are cops and that they are currently investigating her and her 3 friends. 

I was walking up to the steps of the school and I see my best friend Liam, who I've known since 3rd grade. "Morning Li, you alright?" I asked. "Yeah, I'm good" he replied. Liam gave his best friend a hug and as she pulled away from the hug to go to my locker, I get shoved into the lockers by Yasmin. "WATCH IT BITCH" she yelled at me. From the look, I saw on her face, she was up to something and it wasn't going to end well. My gut feeling tends to always be right. 

First class of the day was Maths, which wasn't really my favourite subject, followed by English, Art, history and then Chemistry. Luckily me and Liam are in all the same classes and we sit next to each other in all our lessons. Yes, my dad has met him and he actually likes Liam. He always asks, if he's my boyfriend and when he asks I really cringe. Even Grandpa Hank has met him and asks the same question. Liam wants to be a cop and I want to be a firefighter and we both support each other in our future career aspirations. 

The day has gone rather quickly and I was now in Chemistry class, sitting at my desk in the middle of the classroom and then Mr Benson walks into the room. "Good afternoon everyone, settle down please," he said. But 4 specific girls. "Yasmin, Holly, Kelsie and Xanthe, I've asked for quiet and you four are still talking and it's disrespectful and unfair to the others that are wanting to learn," Mr Benson said in a serious tone before talking in a calmer tone. "Today we are carrying on with our experiments, so get all the equipment out that you need and continue". 

I looked over at the four girls that were at the desks a couple of rows behind me and Liam, they were seriously up to something by the way they were acting. But I just brushed it off and continued with the experiment. The teacher had left the room to go and collect some revision sheets from the printer and that's when the girls did something that, because there was a really strong smell and a hissing sound. That was the sound of gas. I saw the girls walk out the room before anything could happen. I look at everyone doing their work but at that moment I knew I had to take action before anyone could get seriously injured. 

"GET DOWN NOW, THIS ROOM IS ABOUT TO BLOW" I yelled at the top of my lungs. Everyone looked at me and then saw what I was talking about but by the time everyone got down the classroom went up in flames. But this wasn't an accident, this was arson. It was done deliberately. As I went down, I was clinging to Liam for dear life. My ears were ringing, I grabbed my phone out my pocket, which was still in tacted and I had some signal, so I text my mom and dad said 9-1-1 explosion at school and then I rang 911.

911: 911 what your emergency?

Maisie: Theres been an explosion at Chicago Central High School in the chemistry lab 

911: Is anyone hurt 

Maisie: Not that I know of. I saw 4 girls messing the gas tanks and left the room before the explosion and I told everyone to get down before it all happened 

911: Can I ask you what your name is?

Maisie: My name is Maisie Halstead. Detective Jay and Hailey Halstead are my parents, they are part of intelligence. I've sent them a text saying 911 and they will know what it means. I... I... can't breathe. 

911: Help is on the way and will be with you shortly. What number is the classroom?

Maisie: 526, 5th floor

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