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Four Years Later 

I've been a firefighter for the last four years and it has been the best four years of my life, as so much else has happened. A few weeks after I turned 21, me and Liam got married and we've now been married a year. We went on our honeymoon to Cancun in Mexico, courtesy of Grandpa Hank. Also, Grandpa Hank has retired from Intelligence and now my dad runs the unit and Liam has also started to work with Intelligence around 2 years ago and he's loving it. My dad has been helping him work toward his sergeant's exam. 2 years ago, I passed my Lieutenants exam and I know co-run Truck 81 with my Uncle Matt and we are the dream team of truck. Plus its great that we are able to have a laugh. 

It's the start of my 24 hour shift and you don't know what your going expect. Well, thats the same with every other shift. It's going into the possible unknown. My husband Liam dropped me off at the firehouse this morning and I've just put my bag and jacket in my locker before heading out to the common room to get a coffee, to just give me that energy boost to start my day. As I sit down at the truck table, I see Ritter and Gallo cooking breakfast. Bacon Sandwiches to be exact and just like a tonne of brick, a wave of neausa hits me. I put my hand over my mouth and run to the bathroom and puke my guts up, making me go all sweaty. I hear the bathroom door open and hear Stella's voice. 

"Mai, you alright" Stella asks 

"Yep, I think something didn't agree with me" I replied

"But you normally love a bacon sandwich before the start of shift" Stella said 

"I know but the last few weeks, every morning, I've been feeling like this and it's not pleasent. It's just horrible" I answer

"Is there a chance that you could be pregnant?" Stella questions 

"I don't think so? Why?" I queiry 

"Mai, these are the classic signs of morning sickness. Going off of certain foods because of the smell. Mai, I really think that you are pregnant" Stella told me 

I nod at Stella, who helps me up off of the floor and all of a sudden, I start getting really dizzy and feeling sick again.

"Mai, you alright?" Stella ask as she is holding my shoulders 

I didn't reply and just collapsed into her arms. 

Stella's POV

Maisie has just collapsed into my arms, I've shouted for help and Brett and Violet are the first ones to run into the bathroom with Kelly and Matt in tow. 

"What happened?" Brett asked 

"Mai was puking her guts up with the smell of the bacon sandwiches in the common room and she said she's been sick evey morning for the last few weeks. She doesn't think she's pregnant but I have a feeling she is" I said to the two paramedics. 

"Kelly go and get the medi bag from the back of ambo. Casey go with him, so you cna get the gurney at the same time" Brett ordered and the two firefighters left the bathroom. Within minutes Matt and Kelly were back with everything that Brett asked for. 

"Casey, I'm going to go and call Liam. Stay my Maisie's side please" I asked 

"Of course Stella. She's my goddaughter after all" Matt stated and knelt down by her side immediately. 

I grab my cellphone out of my pocket to call Maisie's husband to inform him of whats happened. 

Liam's Pov

Working in Intelligence is the best and having my father in law as my boss is even better. I'm just sitting at my desk, going through paperwork for the durgs case were working on and I'm also waiting for a call from the forensics to see what they have found on the evidence we handed in yesterday afternoon. My cellphone rings and I thought it was going to be my wife but then Stella's name came up on the caller ID, so I grab my phone and head into the breakroom to answer the call. 

Liam: Hello

Stella: Liam it's Stella, I'm calling to let you know something has happened to Maisie 

Liam: What happened 

Stella: She collapsed into my arms after being sick in the bathroom at the firehouse. Brett and Violet are taking her to Med now 

Liam: Thanks for letting me know. I'll inform Jay and Hailey as well and we'll be there as soon as possible.

Stella: See you at Med

I hang the phone up and run to Jay's office and knock on the door.

"Come in" Jay shouts 

I open the door and Jay looks right at me 

"Liam it looks like you've seen a ghost, what wrong" My father in law asks 

"I've just had a call from Stella at 51, saying that Maisie is on her way to Med as we speak. Maisie collapsed into Stella's arms after being sick" I stated

"Right lets go" Jay states as he get out of his chair, grabs his jacket and runs out of the bullpen and tells Adam that he's incharge until he gets back. 

Maisie's POV

Slowly coming around, I hear a lot of commotion and voices and I hear the voice of Brett next me. 

"Come on Maisie, you need to wake up" she said and I squinted my eyes and I hear her let out a sigh of relief, as she adjusts the oxygen mask on my face to help me breath a little better. 

"Pulling into Med now Brett" Violet shouts from the front of the ambulance and when the ambulance comes a complete stop, Violet jumps out and runs to the back doors of the ambulance and helps Brett get the gurney out. 

Out the corner of my eye, I can see my husband standing there looking panicked, so I gently pull the oxygen mask down so I could speak. 

"Liam" I said in a raspy voice and he turned to me and rushed to my side and help my hand as we entered the Emergency Room. 

"Incoming, Doctor Manning" Maggie shouts and Natalie comes rushing over 

"What have we got" Natalie asked Brett

"Maisie Glade, 22 years old, collapsed in the bathroom at the firehouse after being sick. Blood pressure 118/74. No medication administered in the field. 

Wheeling me into a room and then transferring me from the gurney to the bed and nurses started to attach wires to me and Natalie started to take my blood and I squint my eyes shut because I'm not a big fan of needles.

"It's alright Mai, nearly done" Natalie said as she drawn the last vile of blood to send off for analysis. 

Liam was standing by my bed, stroking  the top of my head to keep me calm, as I felt sleepy but I was determined to stay awake and then my mom and dad walked into the room. 

"There's my little girl. How you feeling?" Dad asked 

"Feel crap dad. Haven't felt this bad since I got the flu when I was 12" I answered 

"What caused all this?" Mom asks me 

"Walked into the common room at work, as usual Gallo and Ritter were cooking bacon snadwiches and the smell of the bacon put me off and made me sick and I've been sick every morning for the last few weeks" I stated and my mom and dad shared the same look on there face.

My parents spend another hour with me before heading back to the waiting room and then Natalie walks in with her Ipad in her hand which obviously had my results in her hand. 

"What's wrong with Maisie, Nat?" Liam asked 

"Nothing is wrong with Maisie but Maisie, you wont be able to work in the field anymore because the reason for yuo being sick every morning for last few weeks is because your pregnant" Nat states. 

My eyes went wide and started to tear up because I was so happy and Liam hugged me and started crying. 

"We're having a baby" Liam states

"We're having a baby" I repeat

And that was that, the start of mine and Liam's family and we can wait for the adventure that awaits us. 

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