Two weeks later 

The last couple of weeks have been hectic and I mean hectic. Me and Liam graduated high school and now we have a couple of months off before we head to the academy to start training for our jobs. Liam is looking forward to becoming a cop, he's always looked up to my dad as inspiration and I always looked up to Uncle Matt and Uncle Kelly as inspiration for becoming a firefighter. 

It's early morning, mom and dad have already left for work and I'm still in bed snuggled up to my boyfriend, who has his arms wrapped tightly around me but I could feel him stirring in his sleep, so I turn over to face him but by the time I've turned around Liam was awake. 

"Good morning beautiful," my boyfriend said in his morning voice. By god, his morning voice is so sexy. "Good morning handsome" I whispered whilst looking at him in his dreamy eyes. I sat up in bed and leaned against the headboard of my bed to then look at Liam who is half awake hugging the pillow whilst I run my hand through his fluffy curly hair, causing him to smile, which also caused me to smile which makes me extremely happy. 

By the time we both got out of bed it was 11am, so I was in the kitchen making some bacon and eggs and whilst doing I felt a very strong pair of arms wrap tightly around my small waist. UI then tilt my head backwards to see my boyfriend grinning at me for him to then lean down and place a soft but tender kiss on my lips. 

"So what are you cooking?" he asked. "Bacon and eggs, which I know is your favourite" I replied with a sweet smile on my face. I serve the food up and hand a plate over to Liam who is sitting at the island. Once I handed him his food, I went back to dish some up for myself and then went to go and sit next to him. 

 Whilst eating breakfast, we talked about our plans for the rest of the summer and that we are going to spend almost every available moment with each other and make some everlasting memories. But we also talked about our careers and how much we are looking forward to going to the academy. We also talked about our plans for today. Liam said he was going to the mall to do some shopping because he was taking me out on a date tonight which I found really sweet and he told me to dress up fancy. I told him that I was going to go down to the district to see the intelligence unit, whilst I do some reading to prep myself for the fire academy. 

I tidied up and washed the dishes up and then headed upstairs to get dressed for the day. I opened my closet and pulled out my plain white vest top along with my light blue ripped jeans and put in on but before closing my closet doors, I grabbed my CFD jacket Uncle Matt and Uncle Kelly gifted me for my birthday and popped it on. Then I grabbed my bag and put my books, notepad and pencil case in my bag, so I can do some studying whilst at the district. I also put my sunglasses on the top of my head. Now I was ready to leave and head to the district for the day. heading out of my room and walking down the stair, I was greeted by my boyfriend who handed me my car keys. 

 "Here are your keys and have a good day! I'll text you when I get back from the mall. I love you, Maisie" Liam said. I looked right at him. "I love you too Liam. I better get going but I'll text you once I get to the district to let you know that I'm safe" I replied before getting on my tippee toes and giving my boyfriend a kiss before opening the front door and heading out. 

Getting into my black Chevrolet, I got for my birthday, putting my bag on the passenger set, I was all set ready to head off on the 15 minute drive to the district. During the drive to the district, I was lucky enough not to get caught in any traffic, as the roads were fairly quiet, which is amazing in my opinion because one thing that I hate is traffic. A short while later, I pull up outside the district, I grabbed my things and got out of the car and walked in. 

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