Chapter Four: Hela's Return and Escape From Norway On The Bifrost

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The skies became darkened. As the wind started to pick up. I took the time to firm up a bit and recover from the loss, of my Father, which proved to be quite the challenge, I was in a storm of my own, fighting the urge to stop mourning, or just let it go, as I looked downward at the billowing grass, Thor looked down at me then turned his head, towards me the grieved expression on his face outmatched my own, "Brother?..."I asked as he started to tense up, He looked at me harshly "this was YOUR doing!- if you hadn't been so greedishly thinking about ascending the throne Odin would've been alive- that's all you EVER  think about is YOURSELF!" He shot at me, a look of shock suddenly appeared on my face "maybe it is at times....but can't you see we have a bigger problem to take care of, at the moment?, YOU make the choice, either stand here and stare me down and blame every single thing on me about, the circumstances of our parents fates- or we try to prevent our sister from possibly destroying Asgard?!" I finally tried to sound realistic for once. When we both turned around and the sky became dark as the wind picked up we both changed into our Asgard robes, Thor summoned Mjölnir grasping it in his hand. together with me, we walked toward the green, blackish mass of a portal, as it opened up before us. Out stepped a dark haired black and green dressed woman, she strutted up to us "so he's gone?...shame I would have liked to have seen that" she coolly said, she sounded dark and sinister yet coolness in her voice "you must be Hela?, I am Thor son of Odin.." He introduced himself cautiously, "really.. you don't look like him?" she glanced at Thor, I looked over at him and then turned to Hela "perhaps we can come to  an arrangement?" I offered while carefully not letting my guard down. "You sound like him!-" she beamed slightly at me in a icy way "so this is what's been happening while I was imprisoned in Hel?" she folded her hands and rubbed them together, in a devious way. "KNEEL!" she ordered us, I turned my head slightly confused "I beg your pardon?" I asked. When she brandished a lethal looking sword, she slyly looked at the two of us "KNEEL!! "  she commanded yet again, "before your queen!" she added. "I don't think so!" Thor finished her sentence, throwing Mjölnir at her, surprisingly she grasped it, clutching the end tightly, smiling evilishly, "this is not possible?!-" he began, I just stared at her unbelievable strength, in shock, when she grasped the hammer, tighter "darling you have no idea what's possible!" she slyly mentioned at that, with her hand she broke Mjölnir, with her bare hand, releasing a shockwave of lightening, as Thor and I shielded ourselves from her threat, "if it's far too easy for me to do just that  think of what I could do, that's far worse!" she wickedly grinned at us as Mjölnir crumbled to the ground before us. I had a moment of fear overcome me that I looked to the sky hoping heimdall would hear me "BRING US BACK!- SHE'LL KILL US!!" when Thor stopped me mid sentence. As she smoothed her hair back to reveal a spikey helmet, on her "NO!" Thor stopped me but the Bifrost opened just as Thor was about to attack Hela. When the Bifrost sent us back through the wormhole, we were traveling through the portal when Thor looked down behind me Hela had managed to get into the Bifrost as well, coldly in hot pursuit. "LOKI!- behind you!" he warned, I looked behind me as Hela evilishly grinned up at me, when I thrusted my dagger at her, to no avail she was lethally impenetrable!. She thrusted my dagger back at me as if it were a boomerang, sending me flying out of the Bifrost, through another wormhole, the Bifrost opened then closed, as I went plummeting through the sky, trying to stop, but then diving into a pile of rubbish and filth. I managed to pull away tons of what resembled rubbish, that must've been thrown away at some point and left to rot, I looked around, Thor was no where to be seen, I was alone on a strange place, looking up in fear and confusion, all I could do was cautiously, look up, but then I knew no help was coming no matter how hard I tried to assume help was coming. I gazed upon the outline of an unusual city, and made my way to the entrance, looking at the people and how they were dressed I changed my clothes to fit with the crowd. I had to buy myself time, Thor had to have been ok?, Hela wouldn't have killed him, I was now about to explore a new place on my own, taking a deep breath, then looking back at the spot I arrived on, I entered the city, hoping to find anyone who could help me figure out where I was, I came up to a gentlemen "excuse me sir?, where am I?- wh, what is this place?" I asked him "ah hello, this place is Sakaar, and our ruler is The Grandmaster!" he pointed out, "where can I find this Grandmaster?.." I asked him "right this way.." he motioned me to follow him- anything to keep my mind off of the assumption that Thor might've been killed at the hands of Hela...I couldn't bare that thought- after suffering so many losses, I kept a straight face, as I followed the gentleman into the city to a large tall building that I was assuming was a sort of palace, I was on my own again...                  

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