Chapter Twelve: One Last Heart To Heart?

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An apparent riot ensued once word got out that a revolution was unfolding. It was the perfect distraction to get down to the Garage. But getting down there was no easy task, armed guards were everywhere. So the only way to acquire a ship big enough was to cause a distraction, at any means, Thor and I moved quickly through the corridor. I quickly unlocked the armory locker that held two Sakaarian guns, opening it I quickly handed Thor a gun and I grabbed the other one, switching it on I readied myself. "Seems like old times doesn't it?" Thor looked at me as we quickly walked through the corridor, I glanced at him briefly "as it seems?" Thor eyed me "I love how your making it seem like you've matured over time Brother?" He sounded a bit surprised "and that's a bad thing?- it's called finding my own way on my own path- on my own terms" I answered back sounding realistic "I love how your attempting to sound realistic" he scoffed slightly, I added "I am being realistic?" I replied glancing at him briefly at that I looked around carefully. Then walked over to the security door and unlocked the door on the security panel. Feeling somewhat bored by Thor's attempt at a conversation remembering where the last one ended up- feeling mature was the only way to keep me from feeling heavy hearted and feeling like nothing would ever improve within my relationship with my older Brother- feeling like old sentiment would return, making me give in, but with Thor it was always eminent. 

He had a way of unlocking my inner vulnerability. Drawing in his breath he looked at me as I was punching the code in "hey so listen we should talk?" He started to say, looking at him unwilling to go through another meaningful chat was the last thing I wanted. I turned and looked at him " I disagree, open communication was never our family's forte" I reminded him "and aside from that it just gets us nowhere" I replied "you have no idea, I've had quit the revelation since we spoke last". the door unlocked and opened as armed guards met us at the entrance, we readied our guns "Hello!" Thor greeted the armed guards I looked at him briefly then to the guards a I raised my gun "Hi!" at that we fired our way through the guards making our way to the next security door, which lead to the elevator, taking cover against the wall, I carefully kept aim at any guard coming close "Odin brought us together, it's almost poetic that his death should split us apart, we might as well be strangers now, two sons of the Crown set adrift " I reminded him, while tossing my weapon aside. Thor looked at me as he blasted some guards away making it easier for him to catch up with me. When the door opened a guard attempted to ambush me Thor punched the guard and slammed him to the floor " I though you didn't want to talk abut it?" He reminded me, as I stepped over the stunned guard. "Here's the thing?" I started to say, as we entered the elevator "I'm probably better off staying here on Sakaar" I gave into my plan of just staying apart from Thor and any ties that had me bounded, to my adopted family, the family I once thought I had was now gone, and there was no way of getting the feeling of family back- even with Thor. "That's exactly what I was thinking" Thor looked over at me. I looked at him puzzled for the first time, and a bit shocked "did you just agree with me?" maybe my feeling of no longer needing Thor was fading and the old feeling of admiration was slowly seeping back- yes, I did have a complicated mind after all. "This place is perfect for you it's savage, chaotic, lawless Brother your going to do great here!" my admiration for Thor didn't last long- no surprise there, because now I was feeling the complete opposite- the feeling of being cast aside and casted out made its way to me, making me feel slightly bitter "do you clearly think so little of me?" I turned and looked at him "is this all our relationship is ever going to always be based on?, us always finding a disagreement on our opinions of how we see things differently? " he asked, I shrugged slightly at him, but stayed silent for once. "Loki, I though the world of you, I thought we were going to fight side by side forever, keeping our close bond securely, like we used to all those years ago- but now I understand that that's not what we want anymore, we've changed and grown- but at the end of the day, your you and I'm me" the feeling of emptiness returned to me. "I don't know, maybe there's still good in you but let's be honest, our paths diverged a long time ago", it was foolish absolutely foolish of me to ever think that things would be ever right with Thor and I. I thought it was going to be fixed and right again, but I knew from weeks ago that it would never be the same again. Because now I felt like I was being personally shown the door, that it wounded me, "yes?'s probably for best we never see one another again" I sadly looked downward "it's what you always wanted?" he added affectionately patting me on the shoulder.

Pausing for a few minutes. then he turned to me, "hey lets do get help?" he just randomly suggested that I looked at him surprised "what?" He looked at me again "get help?" I instantly knew where this was headed "no!" I answered "come on you love it?" he scoffed at me. " I hate it" I insisted "it's great it works every time!" he insisted "it's humiliating!" I answered back, He turned to me "you have a better plan?" he replied folding his arms slightly in front of me. "no-!?" I answered insistently. "we're doing it!" was Thor's final call on the subject, I felt a bit foolish going along with an age old trick that we used several hundred times growing up. "We're not doing Get Help!" I finally made my point, when Thor motioned for me to fake a fatal injury- here we go again?...                                                          

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04 ⏰

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