Chapter Ten: In Close Pursuit And Behind A Valkyrie's Hidden Vale

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The wind whipped through the creases of my narrow face, as I heard the last dying breath, gasp for what little offering of air the poor suffering fool had attempted to take, only to be met with his relief and salvation of the open arms of death Herself. As if angels were welcoming them with the greatest gift The Mad Titan could ever give them!- the promise of leaving this world, unscathed and free of darkness, because Thanos relieved them of their dire meaningless lives on this planet called Xandar. With a raise of my long spidery long hand, with a quick motion, a slight smirk appeared upon my long narrow sallow face "It is done my liege, you managed to single handedly wipe out the entire Nova doing so you have acquired the FIRST of six Infinity Stones with quite Valor!" My mouth grinned an evil grin with my telekinesis the Infinity Stone floated through the air towards Thano's massively gauntleted hand, as he calmly watched it  fasten into the space that was for The Power Stone on his Infinity Gauntlet, the power surged through his massive body, like a jolt of electricity, he slightly grimaced at the slight feel of electricity passing through him, as he clutched his hand in a fist,looking pleased at his new acquired Infinity Stone. "Indeed I have, pretty soon this under privileged world will realize the sacrificial gift of salvation I will bestow upon them..." He said glancing down at me. I stood there beside him, admiring every word he woven out of his mouth like fine silk "Tell me?....have you found the coordinates of The Space Stone?" He asked me. "I have my is still in possession of The Asgard Prince"  He looked unimpressed at least not towards me, "He was supposed to retrieve it for me after the take over, but since he failed at achieving taking over The City Of  Stuttgart, let alone New York City, I guess I will have to do something by force then..." He said coldly looking at the Infinity Gauntlet. "and what is that my liege?" I asked him eager to know what he had planned, as if I had slipped back to being a young offspring, eagerly surprised in what was to happen next  "we shall head to The Sanctuary II with the Black Order in tow, find the search coordinates in where Loki is, and have him face me for failing to deliver the Space Stone" I began to walk alongside him, "and what shall be his punishment my liege?" I asked in curiosity "I shall decide that when the opportunity comes" He said as the other member's of The Black Order who waited in a single line up, along side Thanos before filing in behind him boarding The Sanctuary II. Once on board he came to the head of the ship sitting atop a huge seat that looked to be like a throne....."Set a course for the next nearest planet...their Salvation is close at hand!.." I grinned with a cold sinister smile, as he made his request to enter space. Finding the Asgard Prince would be MOST appeasing to my liege...

The streets filled with Champion banners and streamers in celebration of The Hulks triumphant win against his challenger Thor, as I stared down at the festivities,I slowly drew in a breath, and exhaled my only hope of getting off the planet was to somehow manipulate the Grandmaster, his chumminess upon me was starting to wane, as I exited my Guest chamber to head to the Grandmaster's hangout. The atmosphere seemed different this time around. The Grandmaster was pacing back and fourth quite frustrated, there I was joined with Scrapper 142. "I'm upset! I'm very upset. You know what I like about being upset? Blame. Right now, that's the mindset that I'm in. And you know who I'm blaming?!-" oddly I began to hesitate, not knowing who he was planning or what he was planning to unleash upon me. I had to react out of slight startledness in my voice "Grandmaster I-?" I began when he cut me off from even starting any word I might've wanted to utter out. "Hey,Don't interrupt me!" he snapped looking quite offended that I decided to stay silent and at attention. When Topaz entered the room, they talked for a few seconds muttering under their breaths when he turned to me, "YOUR brother. Whatever the story is. Adopted, or complicated. I'm sure there's a big history" I felt my throat tense up, I felt like I was being interrogated against my own judgment, "I relaxed and turned to him "My dear friend, if you were to give me twelve hours I could bring them both back to you" I decided to take the task of locating Thor and The Hulk when Scrapper 142 jumped in " I can do it in two!" she said looking at me in a challenging facial expression. "I could do it in one!" I decided to accept her challenge "You know what? I woke up this morning thinking about a public execution. But for now I'll settle for this sweet little "who's gonna get him first?" So you're on the clock!" He told both of us, my eyes narrowed at her, when she hurried out of the room seeing that this was the perfect opportunity, to gain momentum with The Grandmaster. i quickly followed behind, not allowing her to receive the credit of recapturing my Brother and the Hulk I managed to catch up to her in a quick march. "what have you done?!" I exclaimed in a surprised tone in my voice, She kept from making eye contact with me "I don't answer to you Lackey!" she sternly said "It's Loki. And you will answer to the Grandmaster!" I snapped back a bit irritated with the way she was speaking towards me, I grabbed her wrist, when she managed to wring herself from my grip, we both scuffled with our wrists until she ended her assault by jabbing me directly in the jaw with her fist, that I quickly pulled out a Sakarrian daggar and pointed it at her.

"Why would you help my Brother escape with that green fool?!" I demanded an answer from her, when she didn't take it as an offense " I don't help anyone!" she insisted, at that she came at me again in a defensive manner I blocked her attacks, before sliding her wrist cuff back in mid restraint of her, I looked down at the familiar tattoo on her wrist revealing who she really was "Your a Valkyrie?!-" I sounded a bit surprised, before I could get an answer, she again attacked and managed to kick me to the wall causing me to loose my balance and slide to the floor of the corridor. "I thought the Valkyrie all died gruesome deaths?!-" i finished, when Scrapper 142 applied her boot to my chest pinning me against the wall, it seemed I had minutes before certain unprecedented doom at the hands of a Valkyrie, "I'm terribly sorry, must be a painful memory?.." I added before catching her off guard and grasping her forehead, at the instant Scrapper 142 became in a trance like state, as I peered into a darkened memory using enchantment.....The sky was black as ink, becoming bright with the searing flames of the army of valkyrie's on top of winged Pegasus, when there she was, like a deadly hornet on the verge of attack, Hela The Goddess of Death, Scrapper 142 valiantly lead them forward clearly into a death trap as Hela unleashed several thousand spears flung through the air , mercilessly wiping out her entire battalion, as they fell from the sky, Scrapper 142 and another Valkyrie tried to retaliate when her comrade unknowingly was impaled by Hela's spear, Scrapper 142 fell backwards. When I released my grip from her forehead, loosing her balance, she fell to the floor, she came to, gripping the floor in utter shock fighting anger and grief when, she turned sharply looking up at me, when I didn't have much time to react, she got to her feet and with a swing of her leg she kicked me knocking me to the floor, pinning me, when she punched me hard in the face thing's went black at an instant for me.           

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