Chapter Seven: The In's And Outs and Reemergence

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Naturally. I wanted to stay and mingle among the many subjects, but there was more to see in this heap of a Palace, so as I usually did, I turned and ventured out of the Social Parlor, at least for now, I came down the hallway making my way to the lift. I had no need for an escort, I figured I could do what I normally would do and explore on my own, my black and gold cape appeared behind my back as I walked to the lift punching the numeric pad and having the lift open I stepped in turning to find myself face to face with the city outline, it was starting to feel inviting now, then when I arrived, feeling out of place. when the lift opened I came out onto a floor several guards were milling about, when I came to the end of the corridor, I carefully concealed myself up against the wall. When I heard a commotion from within the other corridor "KEEP HIM UNDER CONTROL!!-" I lowered and squinted my eyes when I heard rather heavy breathing and grunts. When my eyes widened it couldn't be could it?, that's not possible!- it could very well be a Contender of a different planet?, I took it into context, and literally ignored what was going on. And carried on. before carrying on I heard a woman with, an all over the place voice "Keep hold of him!- he's not going anywhere!". I had a curious intent to go forward down the hall when I sensed I wasn't alone. "....You go that way, and you'll spoil it for yourself- I got a good view of the upcoming Contest Of Champions, ah you don't wanna miss it!- I have made the best decision to buy off a great Contender!- oh this will be quite a show my friend!" I looked unimpressed and unwilling to even ask, when it escaped my mouth "you keep boasting about a great Contender, suppose he's not as great as you claim?" I protested "Oh this'll be one, you'll find to be unbeatable, I have a Box that has a great view of the Tournament Ring, and your more than welcome to join me." I looked at him, but instead of declining his offer I decided to take it as a kind gesture of an offer. "Very well, Grandmaster, I'll take your invitation" I shook his hand as he took it shaking it vigorously, "you won't be disappointed!" He finished, I looked at him oddly again as I released my hand from his, "I shall meet up with you in awhile then-" I began when he placed his hand upon my shoulder leading me to the Social Parlor. "Ah lets go mingle with the guests of the palace, let them get to know you" He lead me to the Social Parlor, walking up to what looked like a music mixer of sorts, he started fiddling with the rhythm, making it sound futuristic but with a merry tone to it. Releasing another sigh I went over and sat down among some of the guests and started idly talking. "So how did you come about?" she asked "Oh well, it's a story I'm sure you'll want to hear" I replied a man sat next to me, as some more gathered around "well.. I just happened to end up here, but my story is quite the story to tell.." I started as they sat down exchanging glasses and filling them with glasses of wine. I went on to tell them how I came upon this planet but I gave them a little insight of where I came from, and all that I've been through. "....there was a wormhole in space and time beneath me- at that moment I let go.." they laughed, as I laughed along with them. "My, my!, your lucky to have survived that ordeal!" the man said, "by chance!, I survived by chance!" I said with a laugh, the group I was with laughed along with me. when the room became a dazzle with light almost like the rainbow bridge when I looked ahead....

"Loki!?.....LOKI!!...over here over here!" when my smile faded and I felt my throat attempt to jump out of my mouth, when sitting a few feet from me was THOR. surprised to see him, of all places, I got up, to see if it really was him, my senses became renewed, but he was making quite the scene, "LOKI!?" that I motioned to the guests "excuse me a second I'll be right back" I addressed them "shh,shh!" I tried to calm him down "what?!" He asked quietly "your alive??" I replied back in surprise "of course I'm alive!" he looked at me like as if I weren't believing him, "what are you doing here?!" I asked puzzled at how he just appeared out of nowhere. "What do you mean what am I doing here, I'm stuck in this stupid chair where's your chair?!" he asked looking astounded that, I wasn't bounded to a chair "I didn't get a chair?" I answered truthfully, well for the most part. "get me out of this one!" he demanded "I can't?" I sounded sincere "what??!" Thor sounded astounded at my reply "I've made friends with this man, he's called the Grandmaster" Thor raised an eyebrow "oh he's crazy!" he made an assumption, I looked at him, "wait you've met him already?" He  said looking slightly confused, "I've gained his favor, the Bifrost brought me out here weeks ago" I explained quietly, "weeks ago I just got here?!-" when the Grandmaster puzzled at the sudden hushed whispering, looked at us both " what are you whispering about?" he asked. I turned to look at him. "Time works real different around these parts, on any other world I'd be like-" he began "as he looked like he was trying to find an answer that sounded appealing. "...millions of years older but here on Sakaar-" He looked like he wanted to finish as he eyed me " any case you know call yourself Lord of Thunder?" He quickly changed the subject he never finished, as I just looked at him with a perplexed expression on my face "..God Of thunder tell him!!" Thor turned to me hoping that with my answer it would lead him to being released from the captivity of his chair. Feeling a bit awkward at all that was happening my mind went hurtling when all I could say was " wh?- I I've never met this man in my life!" Thor's jaw dropped slightly at my answer. "He's my brother!" Thor corrected me, trying to ward off my acting like as if I didn't know who he was, when I went along with what The Grandmaster was trying to put out what was going on between us both "-adopted!" I corrected Thor, "is he any kind of a fighter?" The Grandmaster asked me, my reply was more so, a shrug and a so and so type reply acting somewhat for the time perplexed He looked at The grandmaster "you take this thing off my neck and I'll show you!" he proclaimed "now listen to that, he's threatening me!- hey Sparkles, here's the deal- if you want to get back to ass place?- assberg-" Thor looked offended at his bad pronunciation of our realm, "Asgard!" he corrected him as I narrowed my eyes slightly while looking at him. "Ah anyone who defeats my Champion, their freedom they shall win!" he added the plastic animated voice I've heard before. Finally in agreement for his freedom, Thor replied "fine then point me in the direction of whoever's ass I have to kick!" when The Grandmaster came over to Thor beaming with anticipation that Thor was willing to take on the challenge. "That's what I call a contender!- direction would be this way Lord!" as the guards arrived and surrounded him Thor took one last look at me "LOKI!?!-" they hauled Thor up out of his chair, and lead him out of the Social Parlor, as I watched on. He struggled to try to get near me. to no avail, as they lead him out of the room into the corridor. taking in a sigh and then glancing at the floor I just briefly took everything that just happened in. "come now my friend, we have to make it to the Box, the greatest match is about to happen!" at that, I willingly decided to go, as I guess I couldn't wait to see this opportune match, as we walked out into the corridor I asked him "just who is he going up against?" I asked "Oh he's quite savage you might say, he just happened to have appeared here on Sakaar as well!" He answered " well, if you put it that way then I'll wager on my Brother for any heap of money in hopes that the Challenger, defeats him!" I placed my offer "it's a deal!" He said as we headed to the Box's short stairwell. The Tournament was about to begin momentarily, where brute meets brawn strength, as I came into the Box and sat down overlooking the giant arena- a smile finally appeared on my face- that wasn't there for three weeks!                                            

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