lil update

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the rules will be uploaded online this week, stay tuned ☆

In that time,
Let everyone know about the contest, the more people sign up, means we'll start sooner!
You can sign up as an participant or a judge, or tag a friend here who you think would be interested in something like this.

You can find the participants in the "Attendees" chapter.
We've already a lot of people who signed up, but more are always welcome.

The main thing I'm searching for now are judges. If your interested, pm me or just sign up right here. Once you have signed up I'll tag you in the list of "judges".

(future) Attendees & Judges;

You don't need to fill in a special list with information, if you write poems it's good enough.
I do want to ask you to add this book to your library, so you get notified by updates about the awards.
Also follow me too if you want, I regularly put updates on my profile about this. (i recommend that)..

Is it not clear enough? Just ask & I'll answer you as soon as possible 🙂

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