A new week, new poem...
we've had 2/8 poems. this week we're starting with the 3rd!
we're going to write about;
heroes vs. villainsyou can interpreted this how you want to, for me I decided to make it a topic of this poem because of Ukraine.
it's so cruel, devastating, scary,...
and I can't act like nothing is happening. I live in Europe, not super close near Ukraine, or Russia... but it's definitely shocking and unknown what's going to happen these times.
also, in Europe, zooming out everything is pretty into and close near too./I think and pray, do everything I can at the moment; for all the innocent people in need, who have been affected by something they don't even have anything to do with, we can't imagine how you feel.
+) you can donate, share, talk, collect money and so much more.
if you can, do it, please𝐟𝗼𝐫 𝐔𝐤𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐞.
𝗼𝐧𝐥𝐲 𝐥𝗼𝐯𝐞./}
weekly rules (for more, check the page full of all the rules for this contest!):
every poem must have a minimum of 100 words.- every judge can spend a maximum of 30 points par every attendee.
- we also see if the poems really fit into the theme, or not. Be aware of this¡
- there are gonna be 8 poems totally written during this contest, but for each poem we're taking two weeks, so
deadline poems: March 13th
deadline judging: March 19thgoodluck bby's 💓
take care of yourself and your loved ones, stay safe please.-
hand your poem in here:♧
By minetae77 /stopped/
HappierThanEver666 /stopped/
Poetry Awards 2022
RandomDance Trough Some Work Of Art {Started at 6 February 22} In the book is more information about this project, read it so everything is clear enough. not for you, but you know someone else who is made for this? let them know about this contest and tag...