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today I am going to announce the theme for poem 5, and I will, but first there are some important points.

read everything, please.

seeanuanagha and Blossom_Book_Reviews have still some judging work to do, I hope that will get done as soon as possible. otherwise, please let me know if there are any issues. please read the whole page trough, some things are important for you too¡

we're starting off with poem n.5 today, and it's going to be a lil different then usual.
I'll let you know in a minute, stay reading, we will get to that.

first I am asking you to all give a recommendation for a theme for future poems during this contest.
give as many fun ideas as possible, everything that's on your mind. this is your chance to write in the future something from your choice in this contest.
I'm going to use those for the last poems for the next weeks, and maybe one of you has an challenging theme in mind, that I can use for... poem n.8, maybe.

note; attendees ánd judges can give a recommendation, more is always allowed ofcourse.

theme + explanation

I'm sure you all have someone you really look up too, may be your mum or your favorite artist, whoever.

your going to write about that person.

and the word amount is 250 words, because,... just because.

you know, we gotta level it up.

so, your going to write about that person, you love very much, and/or look up to. it can also be about someone you have a lot of history with (in good/bad terms). make a poem about them and write whatever comes up in your mind when you think about them.
I mean, we need to have a minimum of 250 words....

I'm wishing you a lot of luck for this one, I'm sure you can do this!


I'm still reading your poems from last week, and I'm already really happy with how it turned out.
blown away, many times.

like I've said, I wanted to participate too, for once. you can read that in my own poetry book. I obviously didn't try to rise above you, that's not possible, but I tried to make a good quality poem too.


weekly rules

(for more, check the page full of all the rules for this contest!)

- every poem must have a minimum of 250 words.

- every judge can spend a maximum of 30 points par every attendee. divide your points clearly, may be handy to tell why you've given the amount of points to the attendees.

- we also see if the poems really fit into the theme, or not. be aware of this!
I got certain messages from judges who said that that was a point were some of you could work on, so hereby, pay attention to that!

end dates:

poem writings: April 10th
poem judging: April 15th







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