176 3 43

you arrived at station nr.4, welcome

I asked you for some cool, crazy, fun recommendations for our new theme, and you answered.
Black_Diamond_13746 and bobbybillytommy and Cadance232 thank you for your amazing ideas, it's still in my mind and we may write your ideas out in the future poems ;)

Black_Diamond_13746 gave a really good idea for this week, I really like and think we can write some interesting stuff about it!

theme: dreams or memories
lil explanation: so about 'dreams or memories' you can write about not knowing the difference anymore, or about dreams you wish it were memories and you had it experienced, or just whatever comes up in your mind right now.
important note: the theme is 'dreams or memories', you can't choose between writing about dreams ór memories (for clarity).

it may be a hard poem, or not. but we're at poem n.4, so why not?
please follow the theme, make it yours, write what's on your mind and work it out. I personally thought that this theme was so huge, and you can take it from many different angles and perceptions.

I love it so much, so maybe I'll open my own book again and write something about it too 😅😥

regular rules;
(for more, check the page full of all the rules for this contest!):

- every poem must have a minimum of 100 words.

- every judge can spend a maximum of 30 points par every attendee. divide your points clearly, may be handy to tell why you've given the amount of points to the attendees.

- we also see if the poems really fit into the theme, or not. Be aware of this!
I got certain messages from judges who said that that was a point were some of you could work on, so hereby, pay attention to that!

(note add: I've seen some disagreements about it, if there are any problems let me know and we'll find an solution.)

- we are at 50% of this contest,
time goes by so fast

I think this is (till now) the most exciting poem for me personally!! I am extra curious for your poems now.
let me know what your favorite poem was >

lil motivation speech
I see your talent, and I love it so much to see the work you put in the poems. week by week.
thank you, for your work, patience and I hope you are just as happy with your own poems as I am!!! be proud ♡
goodluck this week 😙
hand your poem in here

× bobbybillytommy

× strawberryiscream

× moon_child005

× Cadance232

× Black_Diamond_13746

end date poem writing: March 29
end date poem judging: April the first

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