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Mary's Point of View
I put my most simple clothes on. I'm going to visit my brother in town. Well if you want to be technical he is my half brother. My Father met James' mom two years before he met my Mother. James lives in a house in town because court life is apparently too much for him. There was a knock at the door. "Mary it's Dad." Fuck. I threw cloak on. "Hi Dad." I opened the door. "I wanted to come update you in person, Francis and his family have made camp for the night and will be here in the morning." He said. I want to throw up. My Dad knows I don't want this. When I complain he says the same thing every time. "Mary you are my only daughter and I love you more than anything, but this is your duty. You will marry a good man of high standing, you two will grow to love each other." It is true. Not the bullshit of my future husband and I growing to love each other, that's a lie young girls are told to get them to consent to a marriage. But he does love me very much, he's been the best Dad ever. My whole life he has always told me I was his little princess. He gave me anything I wanted and always made time to spend with me. That's why I feel guilty about being angry with him. But I also don't. He loves me more than anything but wants to condemn me to a life with a husband that will never love me and probably endlessly cheat on me. God I hate this. The other prince already came, Louis. I haven't said anything to him other than "Hello" upon his arrival. There will be a ball tomorrow where I will have to speak with him. "So tomorrow, can you attempt to not look like you're on the way to the executioners? Maybe get a little crazy and smile." He joked. It's hard to stay mad at him. I know this makes him sad my Mom isn't here to help him with all this, he loved her very much. She died giving birth to me. "That's big ask, I'll have to see what I can do." I was doing my best not to smile, but I couldn't help it. "Where are you off to? You're not dressed in your usual dresses." He said, he's right. Usually I'm dressed very nice. "I'm going out for a ride." I said, that isn't technically a lie. "Okay, don't stray too far from the castle." He said "I won't, I promise." I said "I have to go. Enjoy your ride, I love you." He said and kissed my forehead. "I love you too Dad." I said, he wakes away and I closed the door. I finished getting ready then went down to the stables. I went and got my favorite horse. "Hi handsome." I pet his snout. I went over and got on him. I put my hood on and began to head towards town. I love Scotland. It's so beautiful. I doubt he will remember but I've met Francis before when we were very young, everyone wanted us to be friends but he made fun of me for being clumsy and having no front teeth. While I made fun of him for having a girls name, because he does. We constantly fought until one day he gave me a flower and told me he thought I was pretty. After that we were inseparable. When he had to go back to France I remember being very sad. I finally arrived at my brother's house. I got off of him. "I'll be right back." I said tying him up. I went inside. "James, I'm here." I shouted. No one answered. "James?" I yelled again. I saw a note on the table. 'Mary, I'm sorry something came up. I'll be back at court tomorrow. -James' Ugh. I went back outside. There was a man feeding my horse. He was tall with curly blond hair. I could see his muscles through his tight jacket. I made eye contact with him, he is so handsome. Men like him never come to the castle. "Are you trying to steal my horse?" I said "No not at all, I'm sorry I just had an apple on me." He said backing away. "I'm joking, Bruce is always hungry. You're probably his best friend now." I smiled "That'll make it easier to steal him away." He laughed "A crumb in your pocket would steal him away." I laughed "I'm sorry I didn't introduce myself, I'm Bash." He said holding his hand out. "I'm Mary." I shook his hand. "Are you trying to stay undercover?" He laughed "What do you mean?" I asked "The hood." He said "Oh, no I'm not trying to stay undercover." I pulled my hood down. Yes I am, actually. It's unlikely anyone will recognize me, but someone may. And not everyone loves the crown. "No one was home?" He gestured to the door. "You're very nosey." I said "I wouldn't say nosey, I'd say i'm very interested in what pretty girls are up to." He smiled "That's very kind of you." I blushed "It's my turn to ask a question now." I said "Oh is it?" He asked. Why not flirt a little? I haven't been married off yet. "Why is a French boy in Scotland?" I asked "Business." He smiled "You're not going to expand on that?" I laughed "Nope, my turn. Who are you visiting?" He asked "My Brother." I said. I heard the royal trumpets playing. Oh God. If they catch me here i'm dead. "I'm sorry it was nice meeting you but I have to go." I got on the horse. "Wait. Where are you going?" He asked "I'm late, I'm very sorry I have to go. It was nice talking to you." I said "Wait wait wait." He followed after me. "Meet here tomorrow? Same time." He asked "I don't know if i'll be able to sneak away." I said. "Promise you'll try?" He asked "Yes, I will try." I smiled "It was wonderful meeting you, Mary." He smiled from ear to ear.

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