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Mary's Point of View
I stared in the mirror while my hand maids put my dress on me. "Tighter?" She asked as she pulled on my corset. "Yes, one more pull." I sucked in. "The Prince is going to think you look beautiful." She said "Thank you." I smiled "Mary do you want to wear these earrings?" Kenna showed me a pair Francis gave me. "Yes, do you think they will match?" I asked as my maids helped me into my dress. "Yes, they go perfectly. I will finish helping Mary get ready." She said, the hair maidens bowed and left. "Mary how long have we all known each other?" Greer asked "Um, since we were infants." I looked at her and Kenna. "And we tell each other everything, right?" Kenna asked "Yes we do." I said. I have not told them about Francis. I really really really wanted to, but Francis and I agreed to keep it between us. The only people that know is my Father, Isla, and Catherine. "Who gave you these earrings?" Greer asked "Um, uh no one important. I think they were a gift from some German prince." I said, they are going to be so mad at me. "Greer did you know Francis is German?" Kenna laughed "No I didn't, that is really interesting." Greer laughed "You two can't be mad at me, Francis and I wanted to keep it a secret!" I said "Mary you don't think we noticed? One morning I came to your room early to help you get ready and I saw a shirtless Francis walking out of your room." Greer said "After the assassination attempt I was scared to sleep alone, so he stayed on the couch." I said "The assassination attempt was almost 7 months ago, you're still scared?" Greer asked "There is no way you had Francis sleeping on your couch, he was definitely in your bed." Kenna laughed "Okay he may have been sleeping in my bed." I blushed "Mary! Did you two have sex?" Kenna asked, I nodded. "The day before he left for war." I said "Is he going to ask you to marry you?" Greer asked "He already did, it will be announced tonight." I said "He did? When?" Kenna asked "Also the day before he left." I said "Oh my god! That's so romantic. Now that we know we can help you two sneak around at night." Greer said "That's sweet. I'm sorry I didn't tell you two." I said "It's okay! After all since you're marrying Francis we are probably going to marry French men. And they are much better looking than Scottish men." Kenna laughed "Oh my God Kenna! Come on let's go get Mary engaged." Greer said locking arms with me, we made our way to the ballroom. As I walked in I felt everyone staring at me, judging perhaps. Francis was at the bottom of the steps waiting, once I got there he held his hand out for me. I smiled and held his hand. "Your highness." He kissed my hand. "Your highness." I curtsied "You look beautiful." He said as we walked over to the head table. I saw Olivia in the corner of my eye, shooting me a very dirty look. Shortly after Francis and I began our relationship she went back to France. I suspect she believes I stole Francis from her, but it wasn't my fault. At least I don't think, Francis and I were courting and it wasn't even my choice. "Mary? Did you hear me?" He asked "Yes, yes I'm sorry. Thank you." I smiled at him. He pulled out my chair for me and I sat down. "I have good news." He said "Better news than our engagement?" I laughed "No not better news than that." He smiled "There is a hidden passage from my room to your room. It will be easier for us to sneak around." He said "There is secret passages here?" I asked "Yes, the castle has had many renovations and additions. They just kind of built up over time." He said "As much as I love getting dressed up and going to balls, I really just wish I could be alone with you right now." I smiled "Well if we were alone you'd be the opposite of dressed up, which is naked." He smirked "Stop it." I blushed, I heard Henry clear his throat. I looked over as he stood up. I felt Francis hold my hand, I squeezed it but kept my eyes on Henry. "France and Scotland have been allies for a long time now, but King James and I have decided that union should be strengthened with marriage of our two beloved children." He said pridefully. Beloved? That's rich. He is cruel to Francis. "They will be wed in the spring at the Notre Dame Cathedral. Lets have a toast to Mary and Francis." All the men clinked their beers, and everyone cheered. I looked over at Francis who had his eyes on a balcony above. "What is it?" I asked, I turned my head and saw Conde staring down from above. "Nothing, you're betrothed to me now. He can't touch you." He said "Touch me?" I asked "I just mean he can't bother you anymore." He kissed my forehead. I like that he can do that in public now, but we can't kiss on the lips in public until we are married.
Later That Night
I sat on my bed, it's strange here. Not because it's bad it's just, different. I spent my whole life in Scotland, I had the same room from when I was born until I left. But this is my home now. I went around and lit all the candles in my room. I enjoyed tonight, everyone was so happy and congratulating us. Charlotte told me she is so happy I'm going to be her sister, that almost made me cry. Suddenly someone out there hands on my hips and I immediately started swinging and I slapped them. Them being Francis who was trying to scare me. "Fuck you have quite the swing." He laughed holding his very red cheek and bloody lip. "Oh my God are you okay?" I went over and held his face in my hands. "I'm fine, that's what I get for trying to sneak up on such a jumpy woman." He laughed "I am so sorry." I said cleaning the blood with my sleeve. "Kiss it and make it feel better." He smiled, I kissed the corner of his mouth where my ring scratched him. "Speaking of blood, did you get yours these past few months?" He asked "First off that is a very gross way to bring up this topic and second of all if I did not get it that would mean I was probably pregnant and don't you think that is something I'd inform you about?" I said "It's not gross it was a good transition." He laughed "Come here." I smiled and pulled him towards the bed. "Now look who is seducing who." He smiled getting on the bed. "I'm not seducing you," I got onto his lap "not yet at least." I kissed him. He pressed his forehead against mine. "This is all I thought about during battle, being with you." He said "Are you wounded?" I asked "No, only a few cuts and bruises." He said, I do not believe him. "Take your shirt off then." I said "I thought you weren't seducing me?" He smiled "Hm no you're not going to charm your way out of this, take it off." I said, he sighed and took of his shirt. His chest was covered in bruises, and a large scratch ran across his chest. "Francis" I said shocked "I'm okay, I lived. Many others didn't." He said getting under the covers. "Francis don't do that, it's not your fault those men died." I said "Mary how is it not my fault? I decided to go to war and I led the army. Men didn't go home. Messengers are out right now telling their families that their son, husband, or brother is dead. Mary what if someone came and told you I died? If someone came and told me that you were dead I wouldn't be able to live any longer." He said, I've never seen him this upset. "Francis come here." He put his face on my chest and I held him close. "This is not your fault Francis, you were doing the best you could. You can't burden yourself with every death." I said "I just can't stop imagining if that was me that died, and I left you." He said "But it's not you Francis, you're here with me." I kissed his forehead. "Look at me." I said, he did. "You're here with me and you're safe, say it." I said "I'm here with you and i'm safe." He said "Plus even if we're not safe you know I can slap us out of any situation." I smiled "Yes that's very true." He smiled "I love you." I kissed him "I love you too Mary." He kissed me.

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