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Mary's Point of View
I made my way to dinner, I've avoided making a public appearances for the better part of a week but I can't any longer. My Father bribed me with a new dress to come tonight, I told him i've been resting so much because I have my monthly pains. I opened my doors to reveal Francis standing there. "What do you want?" I asked "I have something I need to tell you, it's about to be announced but I felt you needed to hear it from me. I'm leaving." He said "What? Why?" I asked. No matter what my feelings are for him right now I don't want him to leave. "Mary I can assure you i'm not running from you, from us. France and England are going to war, it is my duty as Dauphin to go fight." He said "Francis if England and France are going to war that means we can't-" He cut me off "I know, we can't get married." He said. I am the heir to the English throne, I can't marry the French prince who's fighting against England. "Do you think Conde will propose now?" I asked "I suspect between this and the information he made you privy to he will see this as his time to strike." He said "I'm sorry i'm very overwhelmed right now." I said "Come here, let's sit down." He led me over to the couch. My mind is telling
me be angry with him but my body just wants him to hold me. "I can't marry him." I said "Mary, I promise you I will do everything humanly possible to prevent that. I will take care of everything, don't worry about a thing." He said wrapping his arms around me. "I'm still angry with you." I laid my head on his shoulder "I know you are, just let me do this for a few seconds longer." He ran his fingers through my hair. "You swear nothing happened with Olivia?" I asked "Yes Mary I swear." He said. I just want to lay down with him and lock out the rest of the world. I snapped out of it and stood up. "I should go, my Father is expecting me." I walked out and then preceded to walk very quickly to the hall. "Mary will you slow down, you're practically running." He tried to catch up with me. "I'm not running." I said increasing my speed. "Really? One could argue you're very much running." He said "Well I'm not." I opened went into the dining room. When I arrived to dinner it was well, over. Everyone was having a glass of wine or dancing. I sat down sipping a glass of wine. I can't believe Francis is going to war. How will I know he is safe? Is he going to die? I could feel Francis staring at me, I looked up at him and he quickly looked away. Suddenly Conde made his way towards me, clutching something in his hand. Oh God. Francis noticed this as well and quickly came over. "Mary let's go dance, trust me." He reached out his hand, I nodded and took his hand. He put his free hand on my waist and I put mine on his shoulder. "I know you're feeling a lot of things right now, but I promise you as soon as this stupid war is over I'm going to be right back here down on one knee asking you to be my wife. No matter how long it takes. This isn't something you give up on." He said "What do you mean this?" I asked "True love, I'm only going to get one of those in my life. So i'm not giving up." He spun me and pulled me in closer to him. "Francis, I'm sorry I thought I could do this but so can't. I can't move past this, not right now at least." I said "That's okay Mary." He said, the song ended. "I should go speak with my Dad. Goodnight, Francis." I said "Goodnight Mary." He replied, I felt a tear fall from my eye as I walked away from him.

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