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Francis' Point of View
I made my way to Mary's room. I can't explain how happy I was when she told me she loved me too. I opened the door and saw Mary sitting next to her fireplace, her knees were tucked under her chin with her arms wrapped around them. She turned towards me and I saw her eyes were filled with tears. I've never seen her cry like this before. "Mary, what's wrong?" I asked "Conde told me." She said. I've been dreading hearing this three words from her. "Mary whatever he told you I can explain." I said moving near her, she stood up to move away from me. "Oh you can explain? Well I don't care to listen so you can get the hell out." She said "Mary I know what I did was wrong but please listen, I am so sorry." I said "Okay, which thing are you sorry for?" She crossed her arms. "What do you mean?" I asked "Are you sorry for wagering me or are you sorry for brining Olivia into your rooms?" She asked "I never brought her to my rooms, late one night before I came here she showed up to my door. I let her in so I could give her some sort of explanation as to why I won't even look at her anymore. After that she left, there is nothing shady about it. She deserved an explanation so I gave her one." I said "I don't believe you, I don't trust you Francis. This whole time I truly thought I was so blessed, I thought you loved me and were going to get married and be so happy together, but it was all just a lie. It was just another way for you to beat Conde." She said "I do love you. Mary since I met you that day in town I have been so in love with you. I want you to be my wife. I couldn't have Conde getting to you, I know it was stupid." I said "So you're saying pursing me wasn't even a little bit about besting Conde?" She asked "It was a little bit about that at first." I said "I should have listened to everyone about you. Get out." She said, tears still falling down her face. "Mary please don't cry, I want to work this out. Let's talk about this." I said "Francis, there is nothing more to talk about. Go." She said "Mary-" I got cut off. "Francis i'm asking you to go, please." She said, she looks so heart broken. "Okay, I'll go." I said. As I made my way to my rooms I felt so much guilt. I also felt so alone, for the past few weeks i've been with Mary everyday. Sleeping in her bed every night. I didn't even mind I had to wake up with the sun to sneak out so no one caught us, I was just so happy to be with her. I'd get out of her bed and pull the blankets over her then kissed her forehead before I left. I walked in my room and changed into my night clothes and got into bed. I felt empty without her. Nothing had purpose if I didn't have Mary by my side.

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