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Francis' Point of View
Lately no matter what happens to me, good or bad, the first person I want to tell is Mary. Quite honestly even if nothing happens, i'll find an excuse to go see her. To keep her company of course, she is very bored on bed rest. I nearly skipped down the hall in excitement, I have a gift for her. A dress, for when she is feeling better. I want to take her to the theater once she is healthy again. I turned the corner to Mary's room and saw her walking with Conde, she was holding onto his arm. "Francis, Conde was just going to escort me on a walk in the gardens. So I can get some fresh air." Mary said "How thoughtful of you." I said "Yes it is." He smirked "You know what Francis why don't you join us? It will be fun." She smiled "Mary I was hoping it would just be-" He said "I'd be happy to." I smiled, I went over and extended my arm to her. She let go of Conde and held tightly on to my arm, I have to admit this brought me great happiness. She wanted me, not him. Really I didn't care about him at all, just her. "You know you could have called for me if you wanted to go for a walk." I whispered in her ear. "You over estimate how much I enjoy your time." She smiled "No I don't think I do, I heard there is a special servant just to come fetch me for you." I said "You are such a liar." She smiled "Princess Mary I can't believe you would say that," I pretend to be shocked. "I believe the servant's name is Eric." I smiled. She giggled and shook her head at me. "So Mary your Father tells me you are a skilled rider, I am too. I'd love to go for a ride with you sometime." Conde said "Oh that would be lovely once I'm feeling up to it." She smiled. I will make sure that ride doesn't happen. Nonetheless this is awkward. A young women came over. She was pretty, not my type, but pretty. I also know for a fact Conde is fucking her. She curtsied. "My lord, your presence has been requested in the stables." She said. Thats where they are fucking? The stables? Okay then. "Oh well I best be on my way." Conde smirked at the girl. "Mary, I will come visit you later." He kissed Mary's cheek. Ugh. They walked away. "Can you help me back to my room?" She asked "What, do you not want to spend time with me?" I joked "No, I do. I just feel lightheaded. I don't want to push myself." She said "Of course love, come on we'll get you to bed." She smiled at the 'love' part. "If spending time with Conde made you light headed you can just say that." I smiled "Stop, you have to play nice!" She said "What? You like him?" I asked "No, I didn't say I liked him. If I liked him so much why would I invite you on our walk?" She asked "You wouldn't have" I smiled "Exactly, so shush." She smiled "You know sometimes I like to imagine a little Mary running around who was all sweet and kind, in love with a little Francis." I opened the door to her bedroom. "Hmm, no. You were in love with me, you admitted it!" She smiled sitting down on the couch. I sat next to her. "I have a question for you." She said "Shoot." I said leaning back. "Do you still see Olivia? Like intimately?" She asked "No, no I haven't seen her like that for awhile." I said. That's the truth, I haven't seen her in a month. "Oh, good." She smiled "Mary, are you jealous?" I smiled "Are you jealous of Conde?" She smiled, I moved closer. "Hmm no, he doesn't stand a chance." I said "And you do?" She moved closer as well. "Yes, you're practically obsessed with me." I said, our lips were inches away from each other. "I wouldn't say obsessed, I'd say simply entertain your advances." She smiled, she looked down at my lips then back up at my eyes. I leaned to kiss her when there was a sudden knock. Mary nearly hopped off the couch. "Mary its Dad, how are you feeling?" James asked. "Go open the door, tell him i'm sleeping." She whispered then ran over to her bed and got under the covers. I went over to the door and opened it. "Francis, what are you doing in here?" He asked "Mary and I went for a walk so she could get some fresh air, but she felt light headed so I took her back up to bed. She is sleeping now." I said "Oh, that was very kind of you." He said "Of course, I was just on my way out." I smiled and walked through the door.

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