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Francis' Point of View
I sat at the feast drinking my beer. I don't know how I am expected to be cheery right now. Mary won't even look at me. But at the same time I am so angry with her I don't know if I want her to look at me. I can not believe her. What she said is just ridiculous, Olivia is just going through a lot. She does not have feelings for me. And I don't have feelings for her. I fixated on Mary dancing with one of the nobles. It makes me insanely enraged. I do not want to see any of them within five feet of her, hell I don't want them looking at her. Let alone getting to dance with her. I do not care if the one she is dancing with is an unattractive old piece of shit old enough to be her Father. He will try something with her. She probably thinks he is just being nice but I know better than that. The song ended and I watched as he and Mary left. "Are you okay?" Olivia asked "Uh yeah, yeah I'm fine." I snapped out of it. "Come on, let's go dance." She said "No not right now, I have to go check on something." I said getting up "But Francis-" I ignored her and kept walking. I didn't see them in the hall. If they were going to be somewhere private but wouldn't be seen as scandalous, they would go to the gardens. I ran towards the balcony where I am able to see a view of all the gardens. I saw them sitting on a bench, I stood to just observe. If he tries something and I rush it, I'm the hero. But if I rush in and they are simply only talking, then I am a creep. I stood behind the pillar so they couldn't see me. I listened to the conversation and it was rather boring, I know she wants to get up and leave. "Are you eager to marry Francis?" He asked "Yes, it's going to be a very joyous occasion." She said. Not at this rate it won't be. We are set to be wed in two weeks time and yet we haven't spoken in three days. "Well I only hope Francis can give you what you need, sometimes young men are only eager to please themselves. As a man gets older he learns that sometimes pleasing others is better." He said. I was so right about him. "I'm not sure I understand what you mean." She said "Let me show you young Mary." He said. Nope that's enough. I ran down the stairs and to the bench where they were sitting. His hand was very far up her leg. "I'm very sorry if I gave you the wrong impression but I am not interested in you that way." She said "Just close your eyes and let it happen, you'll like it I promise." He said "No please get off of me." She said trying to get away from him. "Get back here." He pinned her down. "What the hell do you think you're doing?" I grabbed his shirt "Your grace we were just talking." He said "Oh like hell you were just talking I saw you touch her." I punched him. "Francis!" Mary gasped "Don't you ever even breath in her direction again or I will do much, much worse to you. Do you understand me?" I asked "Yes, yes I understand you." He said, I let go of him. "Get the fuck out of here." I said, he ran off. "Are you okay?" I asked "I- I don't know. I promise I didn't flirt with him or anything." She stuttered. "I know you didn't Mary, it's okay." I held her close. "I didn't want him to do that." She cried "I know Mary, I know. This isn't your fault." I said "Can- can you p-please take me back to my rooms." She was crying so hard she couldn't even get her words out. "Yes but you have to calm down, everyone can't see you in the hallway crying like this. So just breath, okay?" I asked, she nodded and began to stop sobbing. "Just two minutes then we will get to your room." I said, we passed a few people in the hall and politely smiled. We finally arrived at at her rooms and I opened the doors for her. She went over and laid on the couch. "I'm going to lock the doors so no one can get in, okay?" I asked "Okay." She said, her knees to her chest. "Here let's get you into a night gown then to bed." I said, I grabbed a nightgown and went over to her. "I'm going to take your dress off now, is that all right?" I asked "Yes" She said, as I took her dress off I noticed bruises on her wrists, from when he pinned her down. I helped her into her night gown and she just sat there. "Why would he want to do those things to me, against my will?" She asked "I don't know Mary, some people are just sick." I said "Can you stay with me? Incase he comes back." She said "Mary I promise you he is not going to come back. But yes I will stay with you." I said, she got up and walked over to the bed then got in. "Can you lock the balcony doors as well?" She asked. I should have interrupted them sooner. "Yes." I went over and locked  the balcony doors. "Do you want me to sleep in bed with you or on the couch?" I asked "In bed with me." She said, I took my shoes off then climbed under the covers. She moved closer to me and held my hand. "I don't know what I would do with out you." She said "You don't have to ever worry about that, come here." I moved her so her head was on my chest. "Just try to close your eyes, I'll be watching no one is going to get to you." I kissed her forehead.

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