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Francis' Point of View
I sat in the ballroom at Scottish court. We are all waiting for the Princess' big entrance. I like Scotland so far, it's very beautiful here. There is also a lot of alcohol here. So there is another plus. All i've heard about the princess is how beautiful she is. I'll have to see about that for myself. I don't think she'll be able to compare to the girl I met yesterday. God she was so gorgeous. I feel bad that I asked her to meet again, in the moment that was all I wanted to do. But in retrospect there was no way I would be able to get back to that town today. "Have you met her yet?" I looked up and saw Conde. "What?" I asked "The princess, have you met her yet?" He asked "No, I will tonight." I said "Hmm, she is rather fond of me." He said "Oh yeah? What gave you that thought? Did she slightly smile at you?" I gave him a dirty look. My cousin is such an asshole. The whole ballroom went silent. I turned around and saw the same girl I met yesterday at the top of the ballroom stairs. There is no way. How could the princess have gotten out of the castle and into town? "She's a beauty isn't she?" He said "Uh-yeah she is." I said, she does look so pretty. She was wearing a burgundy dress that was tight at the top and went into a large train. It shaped her body very well. She has to be the most beautiful woman I've ever met. King James went over and whispered something in her ear and gestured towards me. She made eye contact with me and the smile on her face immediately faded away. "Your grace, King James requests you come with me to meet Princess Mary." A servant said. "Okay." I said, I followed after him. Fuck. My Father and James both really want this marriage to happen. No way she will agree to it now. We got to the door and the servant left. I hesitated for a second then opened the door. Mary was at a table drinking straight out of a whiskey bottle. "What are you doing there?" I laughed "Are you really trying to joke around right now?" She said "No.." I said "How could you lie like that?" She asked "You lied too!" I said "Oh really? When? My name is Mary, Bruce is my horse, and I was there visiting my brother." She said "I had to lie about my name! Last I checked Francis isn't a super common name anywhere let alone in Scotland! I couldn't have anyone figuring out who I was." I said "And what if I was a common girl? You were going to have me go back there to see you even though you knew you weren't going to be there." She said "I wasn't thinking! In the moment all I wanted was to see you again. I now realize that was a terrible idea." I said "Why would all you wanted be seeing me again?" She asked, she didn't look as angry. She looked kinda happy. "Are you serious? Have you seen yourself? You're stunning." I said, her sort of smile dropped back to a frown. "Of course that's why." She gave me a dirty look. "Why are you mad? That's a compliment!" I said "Just forget it, I have to go." She went towards the door. "Just wait one second." I stood in-front of the door. "I swear to God move or I'll start screaming." She said. She really hates me. "Don't you think your Father will think it's odd how cold you're being towards me?" I asked "No, he already knows I don't want to get married. I've been just as cold to your cousin." She said "So there is nothing I can do to get
you to not be mad at me?" I asked "No, now move." She said. I moved to the side. She stormed out and slammed the door behind her. I've never had a woman other than my mom yell at me, or anyone really call me out. I waited a few minutes then I left and went to the ballroom. "So how did that meeting go?" Conde asked as we both looked at Mary. "Good, she really likes me." I said "That's bullshit." He said "Is it?" I asked "You know what, since we both think the princess is interested in us, why don't we make a game out of it?" He said "What do you mean a game?" I asked "Whoever gets the princess to fall in love with her wins." He said. This is probably wrong, but I can't have him winning this. Winning her. "Deal." I shook his hand.

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