Star's Crossing

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by Madeleine_Graves

by Madeleine_Graves

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Status: Completed

Summary written by the author: 

Hopeless romantic and aspiring writer Mare Atwood has fallen madly in love with her childhood correspondent. There's only one catch-she doesn't know who he is. When the beaus of Star's Crossing return from boarding school to begin the courting season, Mare is determined to uncover the identity of her writer, flout her family's intentions of orchestrating an advantageous marriage, and procure the life of writing and romance she's always sought.

But as in the tales she so adores, it won't be easy.

Galas, masquerades, picnics, and hunts-alongside an old friend, a former teacher, and an unlikely ally, Mare delves into an investigation that leaves her torn between three clever, deceptive, and wealthy young bachelors. If Mare can confirm which is her writer and claim his hand before the courting season ends, she'll have her wish: the love of her life, a valuable marriage, and a future of writing romance.

But with the eyes of Star's Crossing upon her, a business plot forcing invisible hands, and the unwillingness of her writer to come forward-Mare's future may not end in triumph, but tragedy.

Set against the gilded Victorian backdrop of coastal Connecticut and lush with pre-war luxury, fans of Jane Austen, Margaret Mitchell, and Louisa May Alcott are sure to enjoy this lighthearted, lyrical novel of young love, independence, and identity.

My Review

Star's Crossing is a period romance that centers on Mare Atwood– a passionate reader and writer . As such, the book is composed of a beautiful lyrical narration and flowery dialogues, which require albeit of time to digest and adapt to. As well as references from classical writers such as Austen, Shakespeare and such. 

I don't want to spoil any of the story. This plot- and character-driven novel encompass being only a mystery-romance story– It is substantially also about self-discovery. And if I'm reaching, it lowkey hints  women-empowerment. 

I also don't want to give away bits of pieces regarding the characters. I think it's better for you all to measure them yourselves. After all, you have to find Mare's penpal after all. However, just a heads up regarding Mare. You will be frustrated, she is flawed. She, being (spoiler) a romantic, is susceptible to being swayed by her feelings rather than use logic. This was intentionally written to be that way.

In addition, I appreciated how satisfying the ending was– it felt like I traveled a full 360.

I have nothing else to say, I don't want this to be too lengthy. Just read this when you're in the mood to be patient and into a classical-like read.

Rating: 8.1 (is my initial scoring. However, due to the writing I'll bump it up to) 8.3

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