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by ToastedBagels

Status: Completed (but it will only be free until 2021 since it will be published so go read it!!)

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Status: Completed (but it will only be free until 2021 since it will be published so go read it!!)

Summary written by the author:

A journalism major gets tangled up with the beloved quarterback of her university's football team when she uncovers a scandal involving his coach.

(A/N: too short? here's an extended version:)

Laurel Cates is a people-watcher. She's determined to get through college without stepping on any toes or causing a scene, and so far, it's going pretty well. But when Laurel uncovers a scandal involving the head coach of Garland University's beloved football team, she knows she has to do the right thing.

Even if her classmates don't believe her.Even if her boss tries to fire her from the side job she desperately needs.Even if the heart-of-gold quarterback, Bodie St. James, seems hell-bent on hating her for writing the article that got Coach Vaughn put under criminal investigation (a feat which proves difficult when Laurel and Bodie wind up in the same group for a class project in BIO 108: Human Sexuality).

My (outdated) Review [a/n: dont want to delete this sorry excuse of a review, but i want yall to head further where Ive written an updated review after rereading it again. This time Id give it justice and a more proper assessment.]

We're now graduating y'all, we're going to college. Yes, finally. If you've been long enough here in the orange app then you know that majority of the stories here are set in high school. JUST WHY?

Anyway, reading Whistleblower was a breath of fresh air- the characters, setting, the characters, the execution of a seemingly cliché trope of "enemies to lovers", and did I already mention the characters? Long gone are the angsty, manipulative, sad boi tropes and it-girls. Long gone is the black and white morality.

The author created a wonderful conflict that's worthy of being called so and amazing chemistry between the two leads, not to mention their sexual tension 😳.

Don't get get your hopes up, this not an erotic novel.

Overall, I'd say it's an amazing read (duh, that's why it's included here). Although there were things I've found to be a little lackluster, but then again maybe it's just me and my overly critical mind. Nonetheless, the "faults" I've found were not too noticeable, so, please do read Whistleblower especially while it's still free.

P.S. Someone get me a Bodie St. James
P.P.S. I really wish there'd be a spinoff focusing on Ellison.

Rating: 8.7

My proper review

I'm just gonna keep it simple, you should read this book because Im pretty sure this is one the best finds you'll ever encounter here. The author has captured both the simplicity and complexities of the human nature and the synergy of  relationships. Toastedbagel, the author, is just so talented; the pacing, organization of sequences, the characters, the details, the inclusivity, and the effectively simple-yet-compact writing style- AMAZING.

In short, reading Whistleblower will make you feel empowered (we love feminism, diversity, and representation); realize a lot of things;fall in love with the characters; and make u want to feel like u want to jump off a cliff because of how single or friendless you will feel... yeah, they will rub it in your face.

My only complain is the ending. Somehow, wattpad authors, or authors in general, tend to trip near the finale, or the finale itself, but don't let that stop you. You'll regret not checking this out, I swear.

Rating: 8.5

P.S. Im still summoning a Bodie St. James. Swear on my life, every reader's standards of a man went through the roof. Now we'll be forever be miserable bc that man doesnt exist, I think.

P.P.S. Im still waiting for ellison's spin off...

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