Captive of the Sea

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by AuthorAnon_

Status: Completed

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Status: Completed

Summary written by the author:

Those who were taken...

They never came back, dragged beneath the waves never to return.

Their haunting screams were a symbol of their horrific deaths.

Like shadows they lay in wait, the deep blue waters hiding them from view.

With sharp claws they attack,

Pointed fangs tearing into skin,

Eager mouths devouring human flesh.

Cally was taken, dragged under the water by one of the vicious creatures. But she was not devoured nor torn apart by ruthless claws--no.

She was a captive.


Water instantly invades her senses. Her eyes sting, her lungs and nose burning. She thrashes, kicks, claws--anything to get away. Her efforts go to waste as her body slowly starts to shut down, the air in her lungs quickly being replaced by sea water.

Cally is vaguely aware of arms wrapping around her waist and behind her head before she loses consciousness, submerged in darkness.

And so she is taken.

Another victim of the mysterious sea.

REVIEW (a/n: new review format incoming, because why not? I got this from storygraph btw if u know that ily)

Plot- or character-driven? 

     Character-driven. However, the problem here is that...(see strong character dev't)

Strong character development? 

       No, none at all. It was intended for the story to be focused on the progress of the two main characters' relationship– which in my opinion was lacking. This is only the opinion of someone who prefers a medium to a slow burn progress.

Lovable characters? 

       This is debatable, I did not hate them. I just didn't get too attached to them.

Diverse cast of characters? 

        Are we kidding? This is wattpad after all. No.

Flaws of character a main focus? No.

Pace: fast

POV: Omniscient (3rd POV)

Overall thought:

       This is one well-written fantasy story (I won't tell u what kind of retelling it is bleh), with few grammar flaws. It is a light-easy read which you can finish in about 4-5 hours. I really had fun especially with the comments, man, turn it off if you want to have a good flow of momentum. (they can get wild with their imagination, swear, they're so feral sometimes.)

       Anyway, returning to CotS, my only problem was that I wished the author gave us some chapters that give us some in-depth background from both leads– something that would make us grow attached to them more. 

      I wished I loved it as I thought I would, but I liked it enough to finish it. The ending is :')) yeah just read it.


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