Misfit Theatre Company

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by: SarahPerlmutter

Status: Completed

Author's summary:
When sixteen-year-old Janie Myers' grades hit an all-time low, she is pulled from her blow-off class with her best friend and placed into a course the guidance counselor says will boost her confidence: theater. There, she meets a group of theater "misfits" who accept her into their troupe. Armed with a full troupe of actors, the misfit theater company takes on a one act that will not only challenge Janie's shyness, but also her feelings for fellow misfit Thatcher


Plot- or character-driven?


Strong character development?


Lovable characters?

Yes, except the mom (never gonna forgive her idc)

Diverse cast of characters?

As far as I'm concered, they're all white and/or straight. There's jewish & a learning disability representation tho.

Flaws of character a main focus? Yes.

Pace: Medium.

POV: 1st pov

Overall thought:
I really hate myself everytime I put off a book then I finally read it, and it turns out to be something amazing- this is one of them.

For all of my dyslexic and theathre girlies (men included), this one's for you. And yes, there's romance, which, don't get me started, made me cry multiple times (I seldom cry at sappy lines). Uhuh, uhuh.

MTC is such a palette cleanser from most WP books, this made me heal, maybe because it's been blessed by an English teacher's pen, or maybe because I relate to overtly vigilant parents. Idk.

Either way, go. add. this. to. your. reading. list. if, not. read. this. NOW.

Oh, did I tell you it has a sequel?


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12 ⏰

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