Twilight Sparkle becomes an Alicorn

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Chapter 1

I woke up in my bed and looked down at the tree. I excitedly got up, knowing that today was another day with my amazing friends.

"Spike!" I shouted.

Spike came running over, obviously just woken up. When he came over, bent forward, and put his hands on his knees, he burped up a letter. I used my horn to scoop it up and open it.

It read:

'Dear my faithful student Twilight,

Today is a very important day here at the castle. The day that the stars align with Equestria. I hope to see you at the castle at 4, with your friends.

~Princess Celestia'

I squealed in happiness.

Until I looked at the clock.

"Spike! It's already 3?!" I asked, extremely confused.

"I-I guess..." He stuttered.

I galloped over to Fluttershy's house, giving her the letter as she read it happily.

"yay...." She said. I laughed as we all galloped to Rarity's boutique. There we showed her the letter, and she immediately started making an outfit.

As soon as the letter was handed back to us, Rainbow Dash crashed in the room, her eyes boggling.

"That was a rad ride! Eh, could've been about 20% cooler." She exclaimed, shrugging.

We managed to gather up Pinkie and Applejack as we headed towards Celestia's castle. She stood at the top, her flowing mane pushing towards the wind. We all bowed at her presence as she greeted us.

"Hello Twilight, my faithful student." She said, smiling.

She gave us the entire story on the Star Day.

"When the stars align with Equestria every 2000 years. But you see, 2000 years ago, when the stars aligned, the princess who controlled the stars collapsed. She was the oldest of all of us, and she attempted to make the stars align forever, to make a beautiful show for the rest of eternity. It was an impossible task, thus of her returning to her homeland in the stars. She never returned." Princess Celestia said, hanging her head.

"What was her name?" Applejack asked.

"Her name was Starshine. But you see, now that she's gone, the stars won't align. This time they'll fall to Equestria. And destroy us all." Luna said, stepping outside.

Pinkie gasped. We all followed.

We walked inside, extremely tense.

We all partied, attempting to forget about the talk. We couldn't though. And finally, when it turned midnight, fireworks came.

During the show, Celestia galloped over, her horn holding 6 objects.

The Elements of Harmony.

"I don't know if it will work... But friendship should have the power of even the most powerful alicorn." She said.

We put them on and focused out energy at the fireworks.

At that second, the star came flying towards Equestria.


I know it's confusing. I'll make it better.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2013 ⏰

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