Chapter 1: The Devils In L.A

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Shout Out to @0sadprvncess0 as promised, the one shot of Devil in L.A is now an actual book. I hope it meets your expectations.

I am Hailee Steinfeld, a dangerous beast. When my hand touches you, you become an unknown, extreme darkness. At the tip of the shaking branch of existence.

You without a name, bloom and wither.

This unknown extreme that brings tears to one's eyes is lit up, one by one, through memories. And I cry all night long. My crying does not gradually grow, but becomes a whirlwind. If it seeps into the rock, it becomes gold. Within her hidden face, lies my... bride.

The one who knows just how little, or how much to give to the world. An innocent soul keeping her in the most interesting and pleasant way possible. Yes, she is perfect in any, and every way that its hard to just sit and watch. I'll turn her dark, making her soul pitch black like my own. Then it will be just us. Two dark souls, who will forever be lonely together.

Y/n's P.O.V

There it was again. The rare thunderstorm that would pass by Los Angeles once in a blue moon. Where the clouds filled the smog covered sky making it more dark than the nights before. People were running around, hands covering their heads, or anything that they had on them. Then you had the occasional people, like myself who didn't let the harsh droplets bother them, walking aimlessly almost blissfully unaware of the storm that had yet to pass.

But before I knew it, the loud claps of thunder shot shivers down my spine and made the hairs on the back of my neck stand. The days prier was filled with clear sky and nice weather, but it wasn't until I met 'her' that the nights began to feel eerie, colder... darker.

It didn't start out that way. In fact, the days leading up to her appearance were the most horrible nights of my life. Just a highschool girl who had to deal with bullies, uncaring teachers, and staff, and parents who where struggling both financially, and trying to keep their marriage from slipping through their fingers. It was tough both in and out of the house. Tough just being... well me.

How I wished for things to change. Yelling to the heavens, to the stars, to myself, almost begging to have a life not filled with sadness and sorrow. Frustration and stress. Pleading to any celestial being out their to take me away from it all, and in return I'd do anything.

Oh how young and foolish I was to think I, Y/n Y/Ln would be lucky to have my prayers answered in a kind and caring way. How dumb I was to believe in her every words.

Was it her gentle voice that hypnotized me. The way her hazel eyes looked at me like I was an actual person. With kindness and care, worry almost. Her touch being of both warm and comfort like in the arms of a lover, or a close person. Someone you can trust completely to let yourself be vulnerable and trust they will hold you and take care of you. Or, was I stupid to believe that all she ever wanted to do was help me.

No, that wasn't what she wanted at all. What she wanted was to put a collar around my neck and lead me into her own dark and twist plans. Use me for her entertainment like some toy. My only question since that fateful day; when will this new toy be thrown out.

You make one desperate wish as a young kid, and suddenly you think you truly deserve everything that was given to you. When in reality it is very much true. You do deserve everything you wish for, but you know what they say. Be careful what you wishful, since you just might get it. Only when you realize it wasn't worth it, do you start to regret everything.

Especially here of all places.

Los Angeles, the city of angels. And it is true. This city is filled with angels, but what they don't tell you is that they are the fallen angels. Dark, feeble little creatures who feed of the young, innocent and stupid. And like them, I sold my very soul to the devil herself.

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