Chapter 3: What's Owed

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Y/n's P.O.V

The flashes were always blinding. The loud shouting of screaming fans filled the side walk of Rodeo Drive so late into the night. It was hard to see where I was going at times. If it weren't for my security guard leading me away, I'd probably run into traffic or worse. This feeling that always followed me everywhere I went, day or night was... intoxicating.

The high I would get when the adrenaline of trying to get by the sea of fans waiting outside any venue I was in was a rush on its own. There was no faking the smile on my face, and the laughs that would escape my lips as I said 'Hi' to them, or give them a picture or autograph. It was moments like those that I looked for every night. Why? Thats a good question.

Because I was surrounded by people. Because I wasn't alone with my own thoughts. Simple. But of course that was only what I felt.

It wasn't until I would see my reflection in any window or mirror I would pass by that I would see pieces of myself start to vanish. The sweet y/n that wanted to make everyone happy, and care for others. The selfless girl I once was begin to reflect someone that wasn't me. My once bright hair was now darker, and so were my eyes. It wasn't an edgy look, far from it. I was the only one who saw that version of myself.

And even now as I got into my Lamborghini I tried to keep my eyes from finding that reflection.

"Are you sure you will be okay on your own?" Manny the head of my security team asked. Manny was the only one who always checked up on me. Always asked if I was okay, or if I needed anything. He was a middle age man in his late 40's. He was like a father figure to me during times like these. Where I really needed someone by my side.

"I'll be fine. Im just going home" I told him, keeping that wide smile from before. Last thing I wanted to do was worry the poor man. He really cared for my well-being which is more then I could say for anyone else I've know.

"Just making Sure Mrs. Y/n" He said.

"What did I say about calling me Ms?"

"That it makes you feel old"

"That it makes me feel old thats right. Im 22 Manny, im not MSSSS anything" I said with a soft laugh. I could barley make out Manny's laugh as the fans were still cheering.

"Just send a text so I know you got home alright"

"Yes dad" I joked, playfully rolling my eyes. I started my car and the windows rolled up. Manny backed away taking a few steps, giving me space so I could drive forward and away from the busy streets.

I was only driving for about 10 minutes before I pulled into the oh so familiar alley way, behind the bar that I had been visiting for the past 6 years.

Last week I encountered her there. For the first time is so long I saw her, beautiful and dangerous as ever. I remember how I would go to that bar just to see Hailee, but she would never show. It was rare when I did, and when I did I almost regretted it. Because once I saw her she was able to pull that collar, over and over again.

Just like tonight.

I wanted to go home for the night. Rest up and get ready to start my promo movie tour. I was actually so excited about it too. Lauren Jauregui was actually going to be doing interviews with me and the rest of the cast as well. As well as some with just solely the two of us. And to say I had a huge crush on the green eye beauty would be an understatement. That's why I had no reason to be back here again.

But when She calls, I always come running.

By the time I entered the bar, the euphoria coursed through my body. I hated that I love feeling like this. The alcohol, the temptations, everything that screamed bad news.

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