Chapter 4: Good Day for A Bad Day

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Y/n's P.O.V

I let out a deep sigh, putting my phone down after reading the message from Tom.

Tom: I'm not giving you squat, you twat

"Seriously" I muttered, resting my head on the steering wheel. I knew he was going to do this. I let him stay in my house rent free and all I ask was for him to pay half of the Netflix bill. Half of the 20$ premium I'd generously got instead of getting the Netflix basic, despite the account being in my name.

You wanna play like that tom, I can play too. I'll change my Netflix password. Then you'll come crying back to me. Don't you know by now I am the queen of fuck around and find out.

I took a deep breath, taking off my sunglasses to rub the annoyance out of my eyes. This really wasn't my day at all. First I woke up late, then the back of my heel broke as I was leaving my house having to go back and find another pair to match the outfit, and now I'm stuck in this stupid L.A traffic. Why is there traffic on a Saturday morning. Where are you going? It's 6 in the morning. I probably could have gotten to the studio faster if I ran, and I wouldn't have wasted gas-- another thing that cost twice as much as before.

Maybe today just isn't my day. Then again my life has been going to hell. Which only meant...


OH you've gotta be kidding me.

My day had been officially ruined twice in less than thirty seconds, and it wasn't even noon yet. Someone just rear-ended me and I'm starting to regret even waking up this morning.

I took a deep breath pulling into the closest lot there was which surprisingly was an empty parking lot by an LA Fitness Gym. The other driver, who I saw was driving a Red Porshe was also pulling into the lot, before parking next to my car. Taking one last deep breath, I lean to the side, opening the glove compartment in order to get all of my information out.

When I got out, I waited for the other drive and when she got out I slapped my palm to my forehead so hard I hoped it was enough to wake me up from this nightmare. My shock now turned into anger, because of-fucking-course, Hailee would be the one to show up on this shitty day.

I feel my adrenaline take over, carrying me over towards Hailee who has a wide grin on her face. She wipes the front of her bumper with the sleeve on her shirt, huffing her breath on it before repeating the process.


"Sorry bout that, it's been a really long time since I driven a car" She said cheerfully cutting me off. Her eyes flash when she sees me.

"Yeah, you know you have one job, right? Not to hit the car in front of you" I cocked my head to the side inspecting my damage, trying to put my best calm in a crisis act. One I would use during scandals. I looked over at the tail light of my car. Surprisingly there wasn't any noticeable damage to either vehicle.

"Damn, I'm sorry" she smiled tapping my shoulder a few times. She seriously didn't see anything wrong with what she did, did she?

"Hailee, rule one of getting into an accident. Never apologize. It's an admission of fault" I ran my hand up my face, and through my hair.

"Right" she clicked her tongue on the roof of her mouth, wiggling her finger. She walked back towards her car, opening the door and leaning into it. Not going to lie, she had a pretty nice ass.

"Hey, y/n." she said before getting back out. "How about instead of staring at my ass, you make yourself useful and get me some napkins yeah?"

Shit, she knew.

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