Chapter 8: More At Risk

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Y/n watched Hailee walk towards her dressing room, before turning her attention back onto her co-stars and host. Everyone still looked like they were enjoying themselves and making small conversation when the director finally yelled cut. Even the host was telling the cast mates a few stores of his time interviewing y/n for the past few years he has known her.

But y/n couldn't hear a word he was saying. She saw his mouth moving, and saw how his expression change every so often, but the thoughts in her head were much louder. And it started getting louder, more annoying when she mentioned that Hailee was just a friend.

She made the deal to be with Hailee, but neither went to specifics on when their "new relationship" would start. But that wasn't what made her mind shout with so many thoughts, and she knew it too. 

Y/n excused herself from the group and walked past a few crew members to get to her dressing room. She heard her name being shouted at but she didn't know who nor cared if they wanted her attention. She had to set some ground rules, and it would only be fair if they started with the basics. 

This time y/n will play smart. 

When she opened the door, she walked inside, extending her hand towards the older girl. She didn't say anything, just waited for the girl to take it, which she did. Y/n felt shivers crawl down her spine when she felt Hailee's cold hand, but continued to walk out of her room. 

She turned each corner slowly, taking quick glances making sure no one would suspect anything. She was thankful that a lot of people were minding their own business by focusing on their work, while some raided the snack bar. She took this opportunity to run towards the back exit where her car was waiting.

Pulling out her keys, y/n unlocked the door, opening it before helping Hailee inside. Then y/n made her way to her drivers seat. 

Neither of them said anything. Hailee still waiting for y/n to explain what was going on, and y/n waiting for a plan to form in her head. All she wanted to do was get Hailee out of there, but then... what would she do next she wondered. 

"Guess we're leaving." Hailee was the first to break the silence while putting on her seat belt. They were still sitting in the car, and y/n had yet to push the start button. 

So Hailee took it upon herself to press the button. But nothing happen. Hailee raised a brow and looked at y/n. Hailee tried once more pressing the button but nothing. The roaring sound of the superstars Audi R8 was quiet and still. Y/n smiled and subtly placed her foot on the break, and when Hailee tried once more this time holding it for a second longer, the car finally came to life. 

Hailee did a silent cheer, but the words "yes" managed to be heard. Y/n wasn't going to tell the girl it was because she pressed on the break that it finally turned on. She would allow Hailee this small victory. 

"Do you just go around pressing random button in peoples car?" y/n asked, putting her gear into drive. The car started moving slowing, exiting the parking lot before y/n began to accelerate for more speed. 

"Only when the driver isn't starting the car" Hailee said, opening and closing the window. Up and down as if she was trying to get the perfect space between the door and window. But ultimately ended up closing it, and it was then when y/n put the child lock in place. 

"I was thinking."

"Must be hard" hailee said, now playing with the AC and stereo. "Do you have an Aux cord?"

"Aux cord? Who uses those anymore. It's bluetooth, here" Y/n pulled out her phone and turned it on before handing it back to Hailee. "The code is--"

"I know the code" hailee cut y/n of tapping away on the phone. Y/n was about to ask, but decided against it. There wasn't anything the devil didn't know. Why would a simple passcode be any different than her biggest darkest secrets. 

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