Chapter 2: Where I'm At

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Hailee's P.O.V

There is something in this world which no one has ever seen. It is soft and sweet. If it is spotted, i'm sure everyone will want to have it, which is why no one has ever seen it. For this world has hidden it quite well, so that is difficult to obtain. But, there will come a day when it is discovered by somebody, and only those who should obtain it will be able to find it. That is all.

I saw her. I saw her and finally, decided to speak to her after so long. Watching from afar didn't stop my yearning, it only made it stronger. So I decided to meet up with her. And even for a moment taking in her presence.

I kissed her like I have done time and time again. She didn't resist either; she never did. Almost allowing me to take her if I wanted to in that moment. AND I wanted to so badly, but I had to resist myself. Why? Because even I knew everything y/n was allowing me to do to her was a favor done for me. Not because her heart was in it.

Normally I wouldn't care. Y/n was mine and mine alone to do as I so please, when I please. But I could never go farther than a heated kiss. There was always something holding me back.

Even now as I wanted to take her out of here, and have her to myself I was interrupted by that boy. He was harmless. I have witness his interactions with my girl for so many years that he was of no threat. Y/n and Tom, best friends both trying to survive in this city. She laughed louder, smiled brighter, and was happier when her friend was around. Thats when y/n really shined the brightest. It was because of him that I enjoyed watching the young girl from afar. If I even attempted to get close, y/n would stiffen at the sight.

Looking at them walk to the boys car, I heard them joke around. Tom had his arm around y/n's shoulder and even though I wanted to take it and yank it off her, I won't. Y/n needs that warmth and comfort tonight.

The thunder roared louder and the lighting lit up the sky. I had almost forgotten that it was raining until I looked up. The water droplets hit my face but it felt nice.

My eyes dropped, looking towards the billboard I had been keeping my eyes on every day since it appeared 2 months ago. A picture of Y/n, and Lauren Jauregui, promoting their newest movie. To everyone around that looks up at it, one would think its just two co-stars smiling and getting close together. But I, as someone who knows everything can say that picture was taken, with love in y/n's eyes that was both pure and true.

Y/n is in love with her co-star. And it royally pissed me off.

I remembered when I first saw y/n. It was a day unlike tonight. When I saw her it was in a ray of sunshine. She was dancing and singing in an alleyway, her hair bouncing around sparkling as it swirled around her. Her voice was the very essence of a happy, sunny day distilled into a song. She was as weightless on her toes as air. Y/n looked happy and sounded happy. But I knew it was in that moment even for a few minutes that was the only time she had ever been truly happy. Until she wasn't.

When y/n made a deal with me, for a better life style I really didn't expect this. I've seen her do sold out concerts, film shows and movies. Becoming the biggest name in the world only for her to fall in love with... LAUREN JAUREGUI. HOW!? AND WHY DID IT PISS ME OFF!?

I held my breath for a second before slowly releasing it. This is fine, its all good. After all, this is what she wanted right. She made a deal with me and what she does with her life before I collect my debt is totally up to her. But suddenly I know have the urge to kill that two timing---.


No, there is no need to go to such lengths. In stead there is another way. There had to be right. I was the queen of loopholes and lies. Deception.

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