Chapter 5: Fall In Love With Me

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Hailee's P.O.V

The tip of my pencil glided ever so gracefully across the open notebook that was balancing nicely on my knee. So many thoughts running in my head, half the time I thought I was writing down my daydreams, my thoughts without realizing. Like I was moving automatically, no control whatsoever of my movements.

It wasn't until I heard Zendaya clearing her throat that I finally snapped out of my thoughts. So much so that my book had lost its balance and nearly fell over, but I was able to catch it.

"Dude you've been staring into space for the past hour. Kind of creepy how your hand was just moving." She said mimicking the movements.

I glanced down at my page for the first time and sure enough, words perfectly lined up straight and neatly written, as if I was paying attention, filled the page. I let out a scoff before closing my book.

"Seriously Haiz, what up with you" she said.

"I have no idea what you're talking about" I said spinning the pencil between my fingers, though I dare not to look at her.

"Uh-huh yeah sure" she chuckled, rolling her eyes. "Are you going to go or not?"

"Go where?" I narrow my eyes. Once more Zendaya rolled her eyes. If she kept doing that, they would get stuck and quite frankly I would prefer that outcome. She gestured down at the table, and it was then when I realized we were playing a game of chess. Was I really that out of it.

I took a breath and looked at my pieces. There are a few things I could do that would guarantee a victory for me. But that requires careful planning and the art of not getting caught. But if I avoid doing such moves, sigh. Doing the right thing is often... the most difficult.

"... You're already cheating, Haiz. I'm not putting your knight back, so shut up and play your next move" Zendaya shook her head. This bitch.

"Says the one who admits to snatching pieces off the board! Also, how am I cheating?" I haven't even done anything, first of all, and second just because I was watching my thoughts like tv doesn't mean I noticed Zendaya trying to cheat herself.

"I don't know yet. But I know you are, somehow" Zendaya sat back into her chair, crossing her arms in front of her chest.

"It's chess" I shout just a bit.

"And we started learning this game together two days ago and you've won every time"

"That's because I'm better at this than you and you're just a sore cheating loser"

"I'm going to win one game against you if I have to tear this board apart with my bare fucking teeth" Zendaya snarled now putting all her focus on the board. Seriously what has her all jumpy.

"Then do it already you coward" I tell her.

Zendaya takes ones of her pieces and puts it next to her king. In this moment I take my bishop and move it directly across to her king. And just like that.

"Check mate" I tell her.

"Hi Y/n" Zendaya shouted waving her hand. Quickly I turn around and suddenly.


Zendaya slapped flipped the board and the pieces went flying. And no y/n wasn't there, it was just a distraction. Oh, this bitch. But even I must applaud Zendaya's performance as she was able to trick me of all people. I knew she would pick up a few things. They grow up so fast.

Zendaya and I started to pick up the pieces one by one. I had a few pieces in my hand, and I saw the last piece, the queen underneath the park table. I bend down further and reach my hand, struggling just a bit before my finger graced the crown and rolled away from me.

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