Chapter 6: A Promise To Try

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Y/n's P.O.V

I began to take off my jacket and toss it somewhere in my bedroom before I could even step inside. I don't even bother turning on the lights, just start taking off my shoes and then my shirt.

 I stop myself, jumping back slightly and hit my elbow on the wall when I see Hailee sleeping on my bed. If it wasn't for the open curtains letting the moonlight shine through the window I wouldn't have spotted her until it was too late. Her ass would be in the floor before I even realized it was her. Seriously, she couldn't give me heads up at least.

I let out a sigh, going into my walk-in closet and began to change. And when I was done I went to the bathroom, washed my face, then brushed my teeth. When I was finally done, I walked back towards my bed. Hailee had yet to wake up. I was surprised, especially since I made an attempt to be as loud as possible. 

My clock said 9 and it was way to early to go to bed. I wasn't tired but there was nothing else I could do to pass the time. Tom was still locked in his room playing my new video game and as much as I wanted to, I didn't go annoy him. 

I took the blanket and moved them so it would be covering her shoulders. Then took a seat right on the edge of the bed.

"You should be lucky" I let out, resting my chin on the palm of my hand. "I left my date early for you." 

Hailee didn't move, her light snores left her lips as her chest began to raise and fall slowly. I didn't know if she could hear me, just pretending to be asleep, or if she really was in dreamland, but I didn't want to find out just yet so I stopped talking out loud. 

My phone pinged, the screen lit up and Laurens name appeared on the Lock Screen. I just ignored it and focused my attention back onto the girl who took over my bed and my damn mind. 

Mother fucker

My date went decent, fun and who am I kidding the date was hell. Every little thing one expects to go wrong on the first date went wrong. We went out to eat and when we got our food, we end up with the wrong order, only for Lauren to take sip of her drink and spits it on me. Then I try to clean myself so I reach to grab a napkin and I spill my drink on her. Then when I went to help Lauren the waiter tripped and dumped the rest of the food on her. It would have gone on me but I moved back giving the waiter a clear target. I didn't even realize I did it. It felt like someone pulled me away.

We were so lucky we were in a private room because if we were out with the public the night would have ended in TMZ. 

I tried to help again but at this point Lauren looked really pissed and said she was going home while mumbling something about worst date. 

For some reason I kept hoping Hailee would text me. Telling me to meet at our spot, but nothing. Instead my phone was quiet while my mind ran ramped thinking about her. Specifically wondering why she wanted me to fall in love with her. Wondering if I was going crazy for even considering it. Another part of it being the worst date, was me being quiet. To lost in my thoughts. So now Lauren thinks I ignored her. 

Damn that devil.

Does she like me that much that she really did take a romantic interest in me. Maybe it was part of some plan of hers. Unless she is that bored with her enteral demise she wants to be in a relationship just for the fuck of it. I know the feeling, being with someone just so you won't be alone. 

 What if this is some type of plan, right. Get me to fall in love with her and somehow gets me to take her place as the devil because of some curse. I run hell for all of eternity, while she lives a blissful life like a normal person. Who knows maybe work with the L.A.P.D for the fuck of it.

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