Chapter 7: And...?

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Narrator's P.O.V

When y/n found out that Hailee was being serious when she told the young girl she would be joining her movie tour, y/n was a little stunned. Especially when y/n saw just how serious, Hailee was taking her new assistant job seriously, putting the young celeb in y/n's words the most stick schedule she had ever had.

"I never been hell, but I know torture when I see it" Y/n said every time Hailee made y/n do something. 

Y/n was even an hour early to an interview. An hour! The only time y/n had ever been early for anything was when the new 'snack from all over the world' shop opened up down town. Y/n showed up later for her meeting with Hailee with 2 bags full of her favorite snacks from Asia and Europe she wanted Hailee to try. 

Even y/n's co-stars was poking fun of the girl wondering why the celeb was on time and who she was trying to impress. Hailee hated seeing Lauren's smug face when she would tell her friend that she was the one that got y/n to lose her bad habits. 

But now Hailee was starting to regret getting y/n to work on time. Now that she wasn't running late, and jumping straight to her job the moment she got there, y/n had time to process everything around her. Just like Hailee's job as her assistant. 

"For the last time, I'm to negotiating a salary with you!" Y/n whisper shouted. 

The two girls were by the corner of the production studio. Everything was still being set up and people were running around, making sure everything was perfect before the cameras started rolling. 

"What does the devil need money in the first place?" y/n asked, confused by such a request. To the young girl, it made literally no sense. If the devil could make anyones wishes come true: make them famous, intelligent, perfect, and RICH, why couldn't the devil do that for herself. 

Out of the corner of her eye, Y/n caught Zendaya frantically waving her hands, making a cut-- off sign at the neck. She held up one of y/n's prize possessions with one hand, and a brush filled with red paint, some of which was slipping down the handle and onto her hand. 

Huh. Y/n wasn't intending of getting threaten today. But hearing the stories Hailee would tell about her best friend psychopathic, torture loving friend it was already improbable. Too improbable to risk getting on the curly hair girls bad side. 

"Okay," Y/n said. This would have to come out of her own pocket. "25 dollars an hour if you do a good job. Thats more than California's minimum wage."

"30 dollars an hour if I do a good job and 15 if I don't."

"Why would I pay you to do a shitty job!" This time y/n did shout, causing a few a people to glance their way. 

Znedaya coughed and thumped loudly on the floor. Zendaya had another one of y/n's personal item and was eyeing the trash can where the crew was dumping their unfinished food. 

"I mean, why not," y/n said quickly. "Deal"

They shook hands. It would be ironic, a prank worthy of her sense humor, to have the devil herself be anything less then greedy. Y/n mentally laughed, shaking her head to rid herself of the thought of hailee actually playing fair. 

I mustn't forget who I'm dealing with, y/n thought. 

Before Hailee could say anything else, the director called for y/n to get in position. Y/n gave hailee a soft smile and a gentle slap on the arm before going towards her interview chair.

An hour of none stop questions had never been more painful than the one that had been saved for last. Since the interview started, the hosted would ask each cast member the same or different questions depending on where the topic was heading. Everything seemed fine, and the entire cast was laughing and getting along so well. The chemistry between the 4 felt like a group of long time friends, siblings almost. 

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