Chapter 9: The Deal

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To y/n, it was very clear this was a hostage situation. Silence was the key to making it through to the other side. She was really starting to regret sending Tom away to grab some groceries in order to get on with the deal, Hailee had been pushing for. Y/n knew it also helped that Zendaya insisted on tagging along with the British boy. Tom wasn't complaining either. In fact he welcomed the tag along, and was even more happy when y/n told them to take their time.  

Y/n was calmly sitting down, looking all around. Watching as the birds flew by chirping at one another, filling the air with song. Hailee was still working out the contract next to her, and as much as y/n wanted to take a quick peak, she stopped herself. She kept quiet and pretended that the girl who was basically making a new deal with her life, wasn't a threat. 

Y/n had to stifle a yelp every time Hailee would shift her eyes from the paper to y/n and erase whatever she had written before. Y/n counted at least 5 times Hailee would scratch something off, and when y/n tried to look, Hailee would move away. 

No noise. Wait it out. Don't give her anything to latch on to. Talking will only make it worse, y/n said to herself, trying to find her inner peace. Y/n pressed her tongue against the roof of her mouth as hard as she could. Today was not going to be the day, someday, maybe, but not today. 

When Hailee looked like she was done, she handed y/n the paper. She raised a brow when she saw that nothing was written on it.

"It won't show until it's ready. For now it's your turn to write your demands" Hailee smiled, handing y/n a white quell. She looked at the feather then back at hailee. 

"My signature will be the biggest one" Y/n mumbled to herself, smiling wide at her plan to fill the bottom page with her name. 

"What you say" Hailee said firmly.

"I said nothing" Y/n quickly spoke as she dipped the tip of the quell into the ink. 

Before she would make a single dot, she stopped herself, looking at the paper. This was the first time y/n had gotten to write down her demands. Back then all she wanted was a good life filled with endless riches, and be someone who was known. It seemed like the perfect wish for a 16 year old girl. But now, looking at the empty paper, she didn't know what she wanted.

Y/n had everything. A bottomless bank account, fancy cars, multiple houses, a dream job as an A-list actress, and being a house hold name. Everything to a person looking into the glass house, looked perfect. What more could she ask for. 

She tapped, and tapped her quell just thinking. But nothing came to mind. It wasn't until the ink was beginning to dry out when something finally popped into her mind. She looked at Hailee, and then wrote her down wish. 

As soon as the ink hit the paper it disappeared. Y/n looked at hailee but the older girl just smiled, telling her to continue writing. Y/n didn't question it, doing as she told and began to write. 

When she was done the words disappeared, and nothing was on the paper once more. 

Y/n didn't understand it. When she first did her contract everything was written in fine print. There wasn't a punctuation, or a spelling error on the parchment and everything looked like it was written by the worlds most insufferable lawyers. And now that y/n couldn't see what neither of them had written, an uneasy feeling started swerving inside her stomach. She felt sick. 

"Don't worry" Hailee said, taking the paper and putting it between the two. "It's a magic paper, it's taking what we have written for our demands and turning it into a contract. It takes time since we are outside of hell." she explained. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2023 ⏰

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