We're Bing Watched

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Fade in on Doc/O'Malley behind a turret.

O'Malley: Yeeees, this place is coming along nicely. Excellent work repairing the turrets, Lopez.

Lopez: [Thank you. I find manual labor stimulating.]

Doc: I still say a flowerbox would have been a bit more neighborly.

O'Malley: Oh shut up you fool!

Doc: Hey, we should start a neighborhood association. It's just like a government, but run by housewives and old people. So it's a lot more efficient at controlling your lives.

O'Malley: Get out of my head!

Doc: Technically it's my head. But I don't mind sharing. Don't you remember that talk we had about sharing?

O'Malley: Shut up!

Cut to a strange red soldier running toward ...something.

Red Zealot: At last! My pilgrimage is over! I have reached the promised land!

O'Malley: (running to the ledge, through the fan) Who is that. Oh no. Not this buffoon! How did he get here?

Lopez: [He probably was blown nearby by the bomb.]

O'Malley: Hellooooo. What do you want?

Red Zealot: The disembodied voice of God! (kneels) I hear you Holy One! I have made it to the temple and await your command!

O'Malley: Up here- Helloooo. Red Moron. Eyes up, chop-chop!

Red Zealot: Oh. Greetings! Are you the gatekeeper of the temple?

Doc: Us? No, we just moved in. Can you help us move a couch? And do you know any good restaurants nearby?

O'Malley: Just a second. (To Doc) Listen you fool, let me handle this.

Doc: I don't know, you haven't been the best choice when it comes to making friends. Maybe I should try.

O'Malley: Nonsense! With the proper handling, this fellow will make an excellent stooge. And I'm the one here with the most experience training Stooges. Isn't that right, Lopez...

Lopez: Nyuk, nyuk.

O'Malley: You see!?!

Doc: Okay, you can handle this, but I get to hang my motivational posters in the living room. Hang in there kitty!

O'Malley: Fine. But I'm telling you that cat will never make it to Friday. (To courtyard) Yes, I am the guardian of the temple. What do you want?

Red Zealot: I have travelled great distances, in search of enlightenment!

O'Malley: Reaaally, that's perfect. We have tons of that in here, but listen. We just can't let anyone in who wants to get in, so goodbye.

Red Zealot: Wait! I will do anything. Just tell me what I need to do to gain entrance.

Doc: Psst, ask him what he knows about gardening.

Lopez: [Ask him if we can have his shoulders.]

Doc: Maybe he knows how to use that computer we found.

The gate opens, in a very bizarre, unnecessarily cinematic graphical sequence.

O'Malley: Alright then come on in. We'll think of something, (evil laughter) (more evil laughter) (even more evil laughter) (still more evil laughter)

Red vs blue season 3 male ocWhere stories live. Discover now