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Ok this is way overdue so I am doing it right now soo here we go.

Name: Alexander L  Church

Age: 28

Appearance: black hair tan skin light green eyes also has a robot arm(because Sheila blew off his right arm so it was replaced don't know if I mentioned it's)

Armor: color grey 

Armor type: normal

Main weapon : assault rifle

Secondary weapon : magnum 

Abilities and skills: has a good aim, hand to hand combat 

Story: Alexander was the youngest sonnet of Lenard church and Alison church, Alexander and his sister had a sort of fine relationship. Alison went of to fight the covenant but during her time back home with her family (not correct with rvb lore just let me do it and don't question it ok) after a trip to a beach there was an attack by the covenant were she was killed. Alex's family fell apart his sister became cold his father ignored the family. Alex went off and joined the military where he was sent to blood gulch.  In blood gulch Alex met his teammates Alex things Simmons is a major kissass and nerd at times. Alex finds donut anoying  most of the time, Alex gets along with Grif but thinks he is lazy. Alex thinks sarge is over reactive and can only live the military life. He will help López fix things but dose not understand a thing he says.

Personality: Alex acts like an ass hole so people think he is not soft although he is kind .

Name: William j Gates 

Age: 27

Apperance: brown hair tan skin ornge eyes

Armor color: green 

Armor type: normal 

Main wepion: battle rifle 

Secondary wepion: dagger and magnum 

Abilities: skilled in dagger and fire arms

Story: Will grew up with his brother who he dose not mention. His brother was charasmatic and use his freinds . The two had s rivalry but when the Great War broke out the two joined the military and went there separate ways. Will was sent to beaver creek/ Battle Creek (which ever you prefer). Will found the reds and blues stationed there annoying and crazy. Then he was sent to blood gulch were he met his team. He found caboose annoying and thinks he is a child. He thinks church is an asshole. His relationship  with Tucker is the closest he has to a freind but believes tucker is a pervert.

Personality: speaks his mind and will help his freinds.

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