Chapter 2

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The next day went by kind of slow at first for the class. They had normal classes in the morning, but in the afternoon, they would have Hero Basic Training.

Midday rolled around and (Y/N) sat by herself outside of the cafeteria. While she never liked not having people to talk to, she had grown used to it, only ever having good conversations with the voice in her head.

In junior high, (Y/N) only ever sat alone since she didn't have, nor did she want to make, any friends. Bakugo's betrayal hurt her more than he could've imagined and just thinking about it made her heart crack. The results of his actions were devastating for her, and she couldn't bare to think of it.

Along with the fact that (Y/N) didn't want to be bothered, she also couldn't afford the school's lunch. She never had enough money to buy anything so she didn't want anyone to know about her situation. She didn't want pity nor did she want anyone's help. She'd gone just fine these past three and a half years without anyone looking out for her so she was fine.

After lunch, (Y/N) made her way to her classroom, and sat in her assigned seat.

"I am coming through the door like a normal person!" All Might exclaimed as he marched into the room. He began to explain to the class what the planned activity was for the afternoon.

'Combat training, huh? This will be exciting!"'

'Can I finally show off a bit?'

'We have to tone it down a bit. Don't you remember what happened at the entrance exam?'

'I got a little out of hand. So what?'

'You nearly killed a kid or two since you went haywire. You gotta calm down. Don't want people becoming suspicious.'

'Yeah, I know...'

Panels slid out of the wall, each with a number on it, and after getting their case, the students were dismissed to change into their new hero costumes.

'It came out just like my design.'

'Our design, remember? I gave you most of the ideas.'

'Okay. Our design.'

Loving her costume, (Y/N) sighed happily as she looked at herself in the mirror.

The students gathered at Ground Beta. Examining each of her classmates costumes, (Y/N) felt a little self-conscious.
Everyone else's costumes were much more colorful and seemed to fit each of them well. Hers felt a little plain compared to theirs.

'Breathe. You look beautiful. Keep your head up.'

'Thanks. Kinda needed that.'

Shaking off her worried thoughts, (Y/N) turned toward All Might as he began to explain what the activity more in depth.

"For this class, you will be split into villains and heroes. You will fight 2 on 2 indoor battles, with one group of three. This is a real battle to understand the basics. However, the key this time is that there's no robot you can just beat up."

"How will wins and losses be determined?" Yaoyorozu asked.

"Can we beat them up anyways?"

'Bakugo's become pretty aggressive, huh?'

'I kinda like that though...'

'Don't even think about it. You know what he did to us.'

"Will the punishment be expulsion like with Mr. Aizawa?"

"How shall we split up?"

All Might went on to answer all the questions before splitting the students into teams. (Y/N) was placed in Team D, which was a villain team, along with Bakugo and the blue-haired boy.

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