Chapter 9

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Round 2 had begun. This time (Y/N) was up against Tokoyami and his quirk, Dark Shadow.

While Tokoyami's Dark Shadow was much like Shade, being a sentient being made of shadows. (Y/N) could control shadows, which made her curious to see if she could control Tokoyami's quirk.

'Tokoyami and Dark Shadow are both kinda cute.'

'Don't get distracted. We're not here to mingle with the competition. We're here to win.'

'Do I really have to fight Dark Shadow though? It could really ruin our chances with them.'


'Fine, fine! What's the plan?'

'Use incantation #1 to try and control Dark Shadow.'

'Don't we usually use that for wild shadows that won't calm down?'

"Ready? Start!"

"Hurry and do it! It's the only idea I've got," (Y/N) stated aloud as Tokoyami sent his shadow creature charging her way.

As (Y/N) dodged each of Dark Shadow's attacks, Shade mumbled the practiced incantation as she glowed a dark purple.

Once the mumbling came to a stop, Shade rushed forward and tackled Dark Shadow, and pinned him before laying a hand on his head. Slowly but surely, Dark Shadow stopped struggling, his eyes turning into a light shade of grey instead of their usual red color.

"Dark Shadow, what's wrong? Fight back!" Tokoyami shouted at his quirk.

"Dark Shadow won't do that. He's under my control now," (Y/N) smirked.

"Hey! I did all the work!" Shade shouted at her vessel.

Ignoring Shade's comment, (Y/N) said the following, "Dark shadow, push Tokoyami out of bounds."

Dark Shadow slowly turned and made a swift lunge toward Tokoyami, pushing him out of bounds.

"Shade, release him."

Shade grew irritated but released the poor shadow creature. Dark Shadow looked around confused as Tokoyami sat there wide-eyed.

"Tokoyami is out of bounds! (L/N) proceeds to the next round!"

Smiling, (Y/N) called Shade back, and walked off, out of the arena. Time went by and it was (Y/N)'s turn to fight against Bakugo.

After seeing Bakugo's fights with Uraraka and Kirishima, (Y/N) had become nervous, her earlier attitude of bravery now disappearing as she reached the arena. She knew he wouldn't treat her any better even if they were on good terms.

Feigning confidence as she walked onto the stage, (Y/N)'s smile faded as she saw the determined look on her friend's face.

'Fake it until you make it!'

'We got this!'

Repeating those words in her head, she tried to calm herself down, and make herself look strong. She was the only female student who had made it into the semi-final, and she wanted to prove to everyone, including her middle school bullies, that she wasn't frail nor weak.

"Start!" Present Mic shouted after the introductions.

Immediately, Bakugo rushed at (Y/N), using his explosions to push him forward faster. (Y/N) hastily conjured up a shadow shield, blocking him from getting too close as Bakugo continuously attacked with explosions, the shield grew weaker, the light from them being too bright.

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