Chapter 5

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Waking to a different voice speaking than the last one she had heard, (Y/N) grumbled softly as she tried to sit up, her head pounding.

The sound of footsteps rushing toward her and hands pushed her back down gently.

"Lay down. You need to rest," Recovery Girl said.

"I'm fine. I'm sure that Mr. Aizawa and Thirteen are far worse than I am," (Y/N) said as she sat up, eyes still closed due to her headache. "How are they anyway?"

"They'll live. You must still rest. You can't be healed in an instant. You need much more stamina than you have now," Recovery Girl said.

"How are the rest of the students? And All Might?"

"All other students got away with just a few scratches. Except for Midoriya. He broke both of his legs. Both All Might and Midoriya only need my treatment and they will be good as new," Recovery Girl explained.

"Are they here, too? This is your office, right? They must be here if—Who is that?"

(Y/N) had opened her eyes and spotted a thin male with blonde hair who reminded her of someone, but couldn't quite remember who.

"Umm. That is..." Recovery Girl said as she tried to think of something.

"That's a relative! He's here to visit me!" Midoriya burst out of nowhere, scaring (Y/N) at his loudness.

"Really? Then why is he sitting in a bed? If he was visiting, he wouldn't have any of those bandages around his chest. Besides, I know most of your relatives. He looks nothing like any of them," (Y/N) said, "He kind of reminds me of someone, but I just can't quite put a finger on it. It's on the tip of my tongue."

"Oh! I know! He kind of resembles All Might with his blonde hair and those cyan eyes. Although, it isn't like he's All Might," (Y/N) smiled slightly before noticing everyone in the room was looking at her nervously. That is when it struck her.

"Oh. My. Gosh. You mean to tell me that's All Might?!"

"Young (L/N), you must be mistaken. I'm not All Might," the blonde tried to say.

"Now I know it is you. I am not stupid. Only All Might calls me 'Young (L/N)' and even if you weren't All Might then how would you know my name?" (Y/N) huffed.

The man cursed at himself under his breath.

"There is no hiding it anymore from you, Young (L/N). Yes, I am All Might," he confessed.

"Why do you look so different from what I usually see you?" (Y/N) asked.

"This is the form I take when I'm not being a hero. I have a limited time in my hero form so I am like this most of the time," All Might said.

Getting a feeling that he wasn't telling her all of the reason behind his appearance, (Y/N) decided to stay quiet, and nodded.

"You must keep this between all of us. You must understand that if this secret gets out then the lives of many will be in danger," All Might said.

"I can keep a secret. I know from experience how dreadful the consequences of letting secrets out can be," she muttered her last statement. They only looked at me a tad confused.

"Don't ask. The fact of the matter is that I will keep this secret. In no way will I let it slip," (Y/N) said.

Their confusion turned into smiles as they relaxed.

They then chatted a bit about the whole incident the happened a few hours earlier, before Recovery Girl interrupted.

"(L/N), Midoriya, you're free to go home as long as we get enough rest. You'll slowly recover throughout the night and be fine by the morning."

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