Part 3: The jungle at night

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I wake up a few hours later, but it seems like it's still dark, apart from the rays of moonlight entering the hut from the spaces between the wood and leaves. I can hear the rain pouring outside; I hope the shelter won't leak. I switch to my side and stare at Law. He's asleep on a pile of leaves, which doesn't seem comfortable at all. Oh well, the injured takes the bed, he can deal with it. 

His face, most of the time grumpy, seems calm and relaxed. It's strange to see him like that, with such a normal expression. I can't remember the last time he smiled, excluding his typical annoying evil grin. 

Yet his resting face is actually pleasant to look at, in other words I don't wish to punch it. This is probably the only opportunity I'll ever get to see that. 

I quietly lean closer to him and move some of his hair covering his left eye. I pray he doesn't wake up, or else we'll be equally creepy. Everything about his face is just so.. captivating, like an artist has spent his entire life drawing it, being cautious about every single detail. Thinking about it, his face is not the only thing that's attracting. He might be less muscular than me, I'm still impressed.  Well Law is not a pirate who spends his time fighting chest naked with everyone, so I guess I just never noticed how well made his body was. 

As my thoughts become weirder and weirder, I feel heat starting to rise in my lower stomach. That's probably a sign I should snap back to reality and go to sleep. Well of course I won't listen. My brain tells me it's the first and last time I'll be able to do that. 

I can feel my heart pounding through my whole body, rapid and constant "tumps" are the only things I can hear. The rain, the wind, my own breathing and Law's are inexistent. Maybe all of this is a dream? If it is one, then nothing is stopping me. I gently brush my hand against his cheek and feel his warmth on my skin.  Not a single flaw, his slightly tanned face is the definition of perfection.

Feeling attracted to someone? Even I'm surprised. I can't decide whether I'm gay, bisexual or straight, I just don't like people in general. I mean, I don't like Law, he's just.. more noticeable than others. Love is shit and if there's something I'll never be able to do is love somebody. I have highest chances of swimming than being involved in a healthy relationship. 

I trace over his jawline with my finger and suddenly, a bright light blinds me. While I rub my eyes, a loud growl can be heard from the sky. I conclude thunder must've hit the ground near our hut. Law quickly wakes up and stares at the hand close to his face. Thankfully, the night is hiding my face, probably as red as my hair. 

I was about to wake you up, I think it hit pretty close to us. Hopefully he believes that

You're right, but we shouldn't worry about it, the storm will end soon. 

If you say so.

I fall on my back and stare at the ceiling, damn thunder stole my chance. Mother Nature has been mad at me in the past few days. 




I won't tell him, but I wasn't sleeping at all. Let's just stay my body doesn't appreciate resting on a dirt floor. At least, I got to see something different about him. I won't lie, I might've stared at him a little while he was asleep to. Unlike this moron, I made sure he wasn't just faking it. Seeing him shirtless and in such a vulnerable situation, it was enough to make me insane. It wasn't until the moment he landed on the island I started feeling that way. Before all of that, I would just see him as an annoying enemy who had a thing for weird clothes and useless accessories. Now, I've developed something quite.. different and strange. 

A feeling I've never felt before, like my body was heating up from the inside, but not an unpleasant burn. More like.. sun warming up my heart. Well, the sight of his bare chest gave another sensation, but I knew exactly what that was. 

Eustass-ya, move your ass a little, the floor is breaking my spine. 

He opened his mouth to protest, then closed it and moved close to the wall.

If you take too much space, I'll push you off the bed, asshole. 

Same goes to you, dumbass. 

 I lay down next to him, facing the opposite side. If it would've been someone else, I would've slept on the floor, but in that case, it was the perfect excuse to get closer to Kid. Just knowing he was just a few centimetres away from me gave me a feeling of relief and happiness. Well, to be more precise, the only thing  I wish right now is to be able to touch him the way he did to me. 

Eventually, I fall back asleep, thinking about what just happened. 

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