Part 4: Getting along

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I find myself in the middle of a weird looking room. The walls are covered with old and fancy wallpaper and the entirety of the furniture looks expensive as hell. In the middle of the room is Kid, sitting on an old red leather couch.

- Take a seat, Law.

Kid's voice is charming yet different from usual. I sit next to him, noticing he's dressed like this evening. Shirtless, yellow pants and his usual boots. The only different thing is his missing wounds on his arm.

- You've been staring at me a lot lately.

He whispers those following words in my ear, ending shivers down my spine. Rapidly he pins me down the couch and smirks.

I open my eyes and notice it's already morning. The storm is gone and birds are chirping, I'd say the atmosphere is pretty calm.

I suddenly remember what happened yesterday, the thunder, the bed. Looking at my side, I see Kid pressed against my arm. Now I've got a choice, should I move and act like nothing happened or should I let him sleep and make fun of him when he wakes up? The second option sounds funnier, and honestly, a view like that probably happens once in a lifetime.

His body starts moving a little and his grip on my arm becomes tighter. I turn to my side to face him and begin to play with his hair. I never thought that one day, I would be sleeping in the same bed as my rival shirtless while he cuddles my arm. Well.. the situation that led us here is not the best, but I'm still grateful for this moment.

After a few minutes of Kid snuggling his head on my arm, I notice that he's shaking and breathing heavily. Is he having a nightmare?

Eustass-ya? Are you alright? I say while tapping his bare shoulder.

Kid continues to tremble until a tear rolls down his right cheek. Oh god, did I make him uncomfortable? Or is it something he hasn't told me.

Kid? KID?? I shake him until he finally opens his eyes and stares a me like I was a monster.

Why the FUCK are you waking me up for??

His eyes are red from crying and his face is covered in sweat, he probably had a nightmare.

What's up Kid? First you're hugging me like a plush while sleeping and now you're crying like a little girl? What's gotten into you? I say with an amused tone.

He frowns and gets out of the bed quickly.

What about you shut the fuck up, doctor of my ass? Knowing you'd be that annoying I would've made you sleep outside in the storm.

Aw Kid's mad? You didn't get enough cuddles tonight ?

Maybe that was a bad idea after all, Kid doesn't seem to take a single word as a joke. His face is completely red from anger and tears keep rolling down his cheeks. But I can't stop myself, it's hilarious.

Law, what is your damn problem? I never asked for your fucking help. I just miss my crew alright? I have no idea what happened to them.  Maybe they got sent on another island just like me, maybe Kizaru or Kuma killed them, I don't know. How am I supposed to keep my calm while knowing my friends might be in danger or even fucking dead? I'm not the sensitive one here, you're just heartless. 

I look at him in shock, I didn't mean to trigger him that much. From seeing all the tears and pain in his eyes, I realize I probably went too far. This side of Kid is really different from the one everybody sees. A cruel and infamous pirate with only treasure and victory in his mind and a simple man with weird hair and normal emotions. 

Guilt is squeezing my heart and I try to think of a way to apologize. I grab his forearm and put my other hand on his shoulder. 

Look, It was just jokes alright? Don't get furious, damn.

He pulls his arm away quickly and walks into the jungle while shouting;

What about you don't fucking touch me huh? I'll build myself a boat and leave as soon as possible. I can't stand you anymore. 

I watch him disappear between the trees in silence. 




Seriously, what's this dude problem? Is he even worried about his mates? I can't believe him. I walk through the jungle, looking for the shore. The wounds on my arms aren't going to stop me from building a boat, I just want to leave this place already. I hope Killer and the others escaped, their chances of winning against an admiral and a warlord are inexistent. 

I spot the shore and walks towards it, maybe I can find stuff that washed up on the sand. 

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