Part 10: Nightmares

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It was the first night away from Law, and Kid felt lonely.

Their crews had come to get them, the morning after their ahem wrestling match.


Kid, should we continue our previous route or sail to Marine Ford, along with Trafalgar?

Killer was standing in my bedroom's doorframe, while the crew was still questioning themselves how the hell Law and I didn't kill each other during those few days.

Follow the Surgeon.

Alright, I'll be at the wheel if you need me.

Killer was the perfect best friend. He knew when to shut his mouth and was a great partner on the battle field. No questions asked when I got on our boat, just a simple pat on the back. I've been in my room since I arrived here, and I still have this knot in my stomach that I can't explain. An unexplainable feeling of void, it's haunting me.

As soon as our crews arrived, it's like we were complete strangers. Bepo came running out of nowhere, eyes full of tears, and immediately jumped on Law. His crew mates were all asking tons of questions, which rapidly angered me. It seems like his idiotic friends don't really like me, as I heard them whispering very loudly about negative remarks which all included me. I mean, I don't really give a fuck about these men, they literally live in an underwater trash bin.

The only thing I'm worried about is the way Law sees me. Am I still that red tulip head with anger issues? Probably. Honestly, I have no interest in acting all kind and sweet with him in front of other people, we're not a married couple for god sake. We somehow agreed to navigate together to Marine Ford, apparently Law wants to see Straw hat boy or something.

Kid, this isn't a good idea.

Killer was back in my room again. I stare at him with a confused look.

What do you mean? Nothing will happen at Marine Ford, they'll be too busy with Ace.

I'm not talking about that, you know goddamn well what I'm saying.

The only disadvantage of having Killer as a best friend is his talent to read you.

You and Trafalgar, what happened between y'all?

What are you talking about? We spent our time separated on the island, we only fought a few times.

He treated your wounds, seems like. Tell me what's really happening huh?

Killer sits on my bed and watch me through his mask. This is the worse situation I could be in right now. What do I tell him? Lying to him feels unreal.

I want to make an alliance with him, that's all.  It could be beneficial for us.

Um, I'll believe you for now. Well, tell me if you need anything.

Don't worry.

I'm not worrying, I just don't want you to become Trafalgar's little bitch.

Shut up.

I close the door behind him and lock it. It's completely dark outside, except for the reflection of the moon on the waves. I grab a  random bottle of alcohol and swallow what's
left it in.


I was absolutely exhausted the moment I set foot in the submarine. Bepo was always after me, making sure Eustass hadn't hurt me anywhere. Now I was back in bed, without the tulip head beside me. Every time i switch sides, I always expect him to be there, sleeping with a peaceful face.

I finally close my eyes and let myself drift into sleep.

I wake up a few hours later, I can't recognize the walls of my own room, where am I? I glare around, studying the dark place I'm in. It looks like an abandoned prison, with rocky walls covered in moss.

Bepo? Penguin?

No answers, I begin walking towards the end of the hallway I'm in. I quickly realize where I am; Impel Down. Weird, I'm not wearing any prisoner uniforms and I'm not in a cell, like I suddenly teleported here.

All the cells are abandoned, or a few skeletons remain. After a few minutes of walking, something red catches my attention. Behind the old rusty sea stone bars stands someone I know very well.

Eustass?? What the fuck are you doing here? What happened? Why am I here? How did we even end up in this place ??!

The red haired man lifts his head and stare into my eyes, his usual grin is gone, something's extremely wrong.

Ah Trafalgar- I'm gonna get executed in a few hours. You shouldn't be here, they might catch you.

What do you mean by that? You can escape, marines aren't able to catch you so easily! How did we end up here? You're speaking nonsense!

They're gonna bring me to the platform and cut my head off, I hope Killer won't be there to see that.

I clenched my fists, I don't understand anything about the situation right now. Kid, getting executed? Impossible, this man would rather kill himself than to be caught by marines.

What happened to you, giving up so easily?? I'll create a room to cut your handcuffs and the cell bars just-

It's no use.

I attempt creating a room to unchain him, but my devil fruit won't activate, what is happening? This world seems so.. unreal. Adrenaline is rushing through my veins, im unable to think properly. The thought of Kid dying is making me sick.

I desperately punch the cell's door with all my strength, which only results in my hands bleeding.

Kid, hang in there- I'll open this cell don't-

Suddenly, my eyes open for the second time of the night. I realize, with relief, that I'm still in bed and that Kid is probably not getting executed.

As I stand up, I feel my heart racing through my body. That was a disturbing nightmare... I open the trap door leading to outside and observe Kid's ship, very close behind our submarine.


I look up and notice Law, entering my bedroom with his power. His eyes seem extremely tired, and he's only wearing pyjamas pants.

Why are you here? Did you get on my boat using your rooms? I'm pretty busy at the moment.

Law chuckles and grab the bottle from my hands.

That's a good guess, I indeed used my devil fruit to get aboard your ship.

Then why are you here?

After a long silence, Law opens his mouth and replies.

Let me sleep with you.

N/a THANK YOU to everyone reading this ily!

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